Welcome to the Lonewacko movement
A while back, I sent an email to an OB (see the previous entry) in which I listed a few of the things I found wrong with our Iraq efforts. He hasn't written much about similar topics - too busy with the Blair scandal and welfare reform I guess - but it's good to see that a few other non-lefties are finally starting to pay attention to our problems. HereticalIdeas has a post here, and Hit & Run has one here (reason . com/hitandrun/001569.shtml).
My issues involve: failing to shut down Iraqi TV and provide a substitute, failing to stop looting of not just the museums and the libraries but the Mukhabarat files and nuclear materials, too few number of Arabic speakers, and a general Rumsfeldian disregard for hearts, minds, and other touchy-feely things that most people actually seem to care a bit about.
Welcome to the movement.