AFP is misleading you, Bush hasn't "ruled out amnesty for undocumented workers"

Drudge is linking to the Agence-France Press article "Bush rules out amnesty for undocumented workers" [1]:
President George W. Bush said he was opposed to amnesty or automatic citizenship for the some 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States.

Amid an intense debate over the issue among US lawmakers, Bush on Tuesday ruled out amnesty for illegal immigrants but said he favored a "guest worker" program that would provide legal status for workers for a limited time period...
The AFP doesn't point out that they're basically the same thing. Those "guests" will stay, and Bush is lying to the American public when he calls them guests. And, those who offer similar "guest" worker plans are lying as well. By failing to point out what's really involved, the AFP is also lying.

Oddly enough, this is not the first time something like this has happened.

Back in October, Drudge linked to an AFP article also located at that falsely implied that DHS head Michael Chertoff wanted to expel all illegal aliens.

---- [1] breitbart Β· com/news/2006/03/22/060322081757.e1blb1k1.html


It is estimated that the fraud in the 1986 amnesty was 70%. That is not a typo: 7 out of 10 of those amnestied used fraud to get it.


And many of the 'guests' have already arrived, uninvited.

Guest worker proposals are amnesties. Even if they actually had to leave and apply from outside the country, it would still be an amnesty.