Illegal aliens, supporters to march on Washington
Posted Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 6:34 am
Yet another march for and by illegal aliens is planned for March:
Previously: "Illegal aliens march, demand same rights as citizens. A good thing?"
2/22 UPDATE: Yet another protest, this time in Florida. It has the usual suspects and slogans, including two priests acting like cheap labor pimps:
[Armando Navarro of the National Alliance for Human Rights] told The Washington Times that 2006 will be a year of "massive mobilizations, activism and political participation to countervail the heinous, racist and nativist crusade" of those who support the bill and the construction of "an Iron Curtain" along the U.S.-Mexico border.They point out that those countries get about $32 billion in remittances, which just might explain their crusade.
In addition to efforts by the coalition, the foreign ministers of 11 Latin American countries opposed to the Sensenbrenner bill [Colombia, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador, Belize, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic] met in Cartagena, Colombia, last week and also agreed to begin a massive lobbying campaign in Washington to defeat the legislation.
The ministers will send a team to Capitol Hill this week to identify key members of Congress on the immigration issue. They will call for the implementation of a guest-worker program, outline their opposition to the criminalization of illegal entry, demand better treatment of migrants, and condemn proposals for tighter control of the U.S.-Mexico border.
Previously: "Illegal aliens march, demand same rights as citizens. A good thing?"
2/22 UPDATE: Yet another protest, this time in Florida. It has the usual suspects and slogans, including two priests acting like cheap labor pimps:
About 550 Hispanic immigrants cheered and waved signs under the banyan tree at the Old Lee County Courthouse to draw attention to a proposed federal law that could criminalize routine contact with undocumented aliens.
Cheers could be heard for two blocks in all directions as they shouted "No somos criminales" — "We are not criminals" — and listened to impassioned speeches from protest organizers and supporters addressing the orderly group through bull horns.
The Florida United Latinos Organization set up the event, which attracted people from Tampa to Naples, and from farms in De Soto, Manatee and Hardee counties...
Two Roman Catholic priests, the Revs. Victor Caviedes of Fort Myers and Ililario Rivera of Wachula, said most migrant workers want only the opportunity to cross the border legally and to get driver’s licenses to work here and be productive.
"I know the reality," said Caviedes, of Jesus the Worker church in Fort Myers, who said workers supply labor for employers who have unmet demands for work.
whitewave31 (not verified)
Mon, 03/27/2006 - 11:11
thank you very much luli. couldn't have said it better myself.
the NAFTA treaty that the United States has pressured Mexico into has over the past ten years decimated the Mexican economy. 15 million farmers are out of work because of it. The United States sends subsidized crops to Mexico where it sells them at ridiculously low prices--the local farmers can't compete and continue to earn a decent living. Where are those 15 million going to go? And no, they don't come here to line their pockets, you morons. They come here to keep from dying of starvation. So if the United States wants to curb immigration it should start by changing it's foreign policy--so that it ISN'T treating other nations like it's own personal backyard. The US isn't going to accomplish anything by criminalizing its victims or placing more power in the local authorities that have failed to stop the lynching of Mexicans. Immigrants from Vietnam, China, Cuba, Poland, and yes, the majority from Mexico are now banding together to keep RACISM AND XENOPHOBIA from being legally sanctioned. And one of the most ignorant things to assume is that the majority of these people are illegal. For the most part they are naturalized citizens, people with their paperwork being processed, or the natural born children of immigrants who haven't forgotten how fucked up the immigration system is to begin with. (It takes anywhere from 8 to 20 years to process an application--plenty of time to starve if you are waiting for your greencard in the motherland or plenty of time to never see your family again if you are waiting for documentation in the United States.)so let me just echo luli's sentiment. before you talk about anything you ignorant brats, do some research and don't just absorb the racist propaganda. quit talking out of your asses.
luli (not verified)
Wed, 03/08/2006 - 09:16
Your ancestors are probably not native americans or mexican so your ancestor also immigrated into this country. A lot of those "criminals and poor unskilled people" that you call have bachelors and even masters degrees but cannot find jobs in their countries because of the oppression the united states have caused in their countries. If you were a little bit more informed and a little less ignorant you would take your head out of your ass AND NOT SUPPORT THIS HATE LEGISLATION. Because thats what it is many immigrants come to this country with the sole purpose of surviving and being able to feed their families even elderly parents. Many americans just send their elderly parents to homes where hispanic immigrants take care of them, read to them, listen to them and are caring like their children are not. So please if your going to write something in support of the law inform yourself about the other side of the law those who are going to be affected by the law and then write an opinion dont just talk out of your ass.
Pat (not verified)
Mon, 02/20/2006 - 09:33
"The ministers will send a team to Capitol Hill this week to identify key members of Congress on the immigration issue."
And will be bringing large bags of cash.
LomaAlta (not verified)
Mon, 02/20/2006 - 08:44
Be of good cheer!
If this crowd is against the House immigration bill, then we can all rest assured that we have proposed the right things to do.
Immigration enforcement before any guest worker or amnesty programs!
Now, lets work to defeat Kennedy-McCain-Bush from killing the House bill in the Senate. Please do everything you can to support the House bill.
eh (not verified)
Mon, 02/20/2006 - 06:48
I don't think Armando Navarro would be quite so interested in illegals if the vast majority of them were not Hispanic.