Los Angeles Times goes to border, discovers immigration laws won't work
For an unknown reason, Drudge is linking to the L.A. Times article "Some Border Patrol Agents Take a Chance on Love", which reports on a few BP agents who've dated illegal aliens and gotten into trouble for that practice.
Obviously, the LAT only has a finite amount of resources, and it's a shame that they would choose to deploy them in this fashion when there are so many more important stories that could be covered. But, the trivial matters discussed in the story appear to be a bit, shall we say, agenda-driven as can be seen from this paragraph:
Some locals say that such relationships are inevitable in a town where the nearest movie theater is 51 miles north and the nearest nightclubs lie just across the border in Agua Prieta, Mexico. The clandestine romances, they add, also make a mockery of efforts targeting illegal immigrants, such as laws being considered by Congress that would mandate fences along sections of the border and fine employers who hire illegal aliens.
And, the LAT seems to be joining them in that mockery instead of reporting on vital border issues like terrorism or Mexico meddling in our laws. Rather than telling its readers about important issues, the LAT chooses to print pro-illegal immigration propaganda.
And, I wonder why they won't name the "locals" in this case. While he's mentioned elsewhere in the article by name, could one of those "locals" in fact be Douglas Mayor Ray Borane, recipient of Mexico's Ohtli Award? That link has a past example of the LAT featuring Borane. Or, could some of those "locals" have some form of a stake in seeing that our immigration laws aren't followed?
Write readers.rep *at* latimes.com and suggest they cover more important issues.