Perky Little Katie Kommunist too conservative for MediaMatters
MediaMatters for America has set its "always"-accurate eye on perky Katie:
On the October 31 edition of NBC's Today, co-host Katie Couric baselessly suggested that newly named Supreme Court nominee Samuel A. Alito Jr. is "a strict constructionist" who "will interpret the Constitution literally." Couric's comment marked at least the second time that she has parroted rhetoric conservatives use to promote President Bush's judicial nominees...
Just for yucks, let's try to figure out what's going on here:
1. MMFA thinks Katie is a conservative or displays disturbing conservative traits...
2. MMFA is working to keep Katie on the reservation...
3. MMFA is trying to portray Alito as a "judicial activist" and is willing to use Perky Katie as their vehicle...
4. This is a diversionary tactic designed to deflect things like this.
Also see "What You Need to Know About Tenacious Katie" and "Perky Katie "hopeful" for Saddam's safety?"