Tweets to Paul Krugman

Paul Krugman's avatar
Twitter handle: 
Paul Krugman
New York City
Nobel laureate. Op-Ed columnist, @nytopinion. Author, “The Return of Depression Economics,” “The Great Unraveling,” "Arguing With Zombies," + more.
Tweets to this user:
New York Times Opinion's avatar
From @nytopinion
Aside from the huge tax cut for corporations, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Trumpism is bad for business. O…
Rob Davis's avatar
From @golferrobd
@nytopinion @paulkrugman Kind of side note, but a lot of wealth (for people and corporations) is held in stocks and…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Made in USA is a great idea, Trump's just doing it wrong as usual. That said, NYT is all about helping Slim (their owner; look him up) make even more billions via globalism. MT @golferrobd MT nytopinion ...Trumpism is bad for business [Paul Krugman opines]
Paul Krugman's avatar
From @paulkrugman
This is very good about Xi's incentives in the trade war. Standing up to Trump has several upsides that offset the…
Paul Krugman's avatar
From @paulkrugman
Also, on the economics: Chinese dependence on exports to America is often exaggerated, and China has been expanding…
Shaun R's avatar
From @c_kinbote
@paulkrugman Just like they’ve found alternative supply chains which will not be easily brought back here. We are n…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@c_kinbote: take what @paulkrugman says with a boulder of salt. Instead of engaging Teaparty leaders in debate about the huge flaws in their support for "free market capitalism" & thus undercutting fiscal cons forever & anon, Krugman just went full-on Garofalo like a child.
DanT's avatar
From @DanTope1
@paulkrugman Indeed. There’s quite a bit of research supporting the Underlying racial animus argument
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
As a "Data Analytics Professional", when was Teaparty founded? What were their policies? Were Krugman etc smart enough to challenge & show wrong those policies? MT @DanTope1 [enables @paulkrugman playing race card on Teaparty] #rstats #sas #datascience #machinelearning #stata
Paul Krugman's avatar
From @paulkrugman
Oh, God. Are we still pretending that the Tea Party was about small government and concern about budget deficits? I…
Paul Krugman's avatar
From @paulkrugman
Academic research confirms the obvious. The idea that the Tea Party had something to do with notions of fiscal resp…
AbbyNormal's avatar
From @fbrodya
@paulkrugman @snowstormyou Bingo. It was an easy stroll from throwing chairs at constituent town halls to mowing do…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@fbrodya: Teaparty was started in *2002* (not a typo) by a Koch group & revived by the successor Koch group in 2009. There were other TP groups when Obama was still a candidate. @paulkrugman is trying to cover up that he isn't smart enough to challenge & show wrong Koch ideas.