Green Bay Press-Gazette supports illegal immigration
Posted Thu, Sep 8, 2005 at 7:55 am · short link
From the Green Bay Press-Gazette's "Editorial: Give non-English-speaking residents a lift":
So, obviously, the thing we should do is help out those corrupt employers by giving their employees driver's licenses. Maybe the P-G could even translate this editorial into Spanish and release it to the Mexican newspapers, just to get the word out.
On the other hand, perhaps the P-G could learn from the Commisioner of Minnesota's Department of Public Safety:
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"Non-English-speaking drivers face linguistic roadblock," a headline in Tuesday's Green Bay Press-Gazette said.Yes, indeed there is. Why are there so many illegal aliens in Green Bay, Wisconsin? Wait, don't answer that, I know. Because there are corrupt employers there. And, those corrupt employers are no doubt a major part of the economy and the business community. And, the Press-Gazette is part of that business community too...
"Many continue to drive illegally because they need to earn a living and take care of their families," the accompanying story explained.
About a quarter of the non-English-speaking Hispanics living in the Green Bay area drive without licenses, most of them because of the language barrier and because they aren't legal residents and need to take care of their families...
There's something very wrong with this picture...
So, obviously, the thing we should do is help out those corrupt employers by giving their employees driver's licenses. Maybe the P-G could even translate this editorial into Spanish and release it to the Mexican newspapers, just to get the word out.
On the other hand, perhaps the P-G could learn from the Commisioner of Minnesota's Department of Public Safety:
...advocates argue that they want to give drivers licenses to illegal immigrants so they will be safer drivers. This argument is completely without merit and is a transparent attempt to turn the illegal immigrant problem into a public safety issue... The Department of Public Safety will not facilitate illegal immigration...
Doug (not verified)
Wed, 04/15/2009 - 20:01
HS 10328 2009-04-15T22:01:53-05:00
I wholeheartedly agree with this post. There's something very wrong with the entire "undocumented immigrant" situation in Green Bay. Sometimes however, illegal immigrants are still able to obtain drivers' licenses from the Wisconsin DMV. How do I know this? I've got one living right above me. The only paper trail on this guy is his DMV records, which I looked up (paid for, by the way) on the internet. Seems like ICE is only interested in arresting the drug dealer variation of an illegal immigrant. Whoever this guy's employer is, they should be publicly embarrased. Keep up the good work.