DUmmies: Chavez for Prez, simple "liberal" minds on multiculturalism, and George Galloway
Today in DUmmy News:
The poll question "Is Hugo Chavez is the greatest world leader so far in the 21st century?" (link) [sic] has the following results: Yes, 32 votes. No, 24 votes.
And, they respond to the news that the Dallas school board has voted to require bilingual principals in some schools: "Bilingual-principal plan approved" (link). To you this is an obvious ethnic power grab: just having a passing knowledge of Spanish probably isn't going to be good enough. A, shall we say, native fluency will be required. As will - of course! - an in-depth knowledge of "Hispanic" culture. Of course that will require that someone be "Raza"; otherwise the students won't have the proper, racially-sensitive learning experience. Needless to say, the DUmmies - except for one brave poster - are unable to grasp these elementary concepts.
And, lastly: "George Galloway US Tour! September 13-24" (link). He'll be at the Immanuel Presbyterian Church at 3300 Wilshire on September 22, and I might be there. More tour dates: mrgallowaygoestowashington.com
UPDATE: Chavez is pulling ahead! It's now Yes, 57 votes. No, 43 votes.