immigration language
immigration language: Page 1
Discussed in (click each link for the full post):
Americans relax: "Immigration no threat to English use in U.S." - 09/14/06
Reuters tells the Americans they can relax:
U.S. citizens concerned that Latino immigrants will have them singing "The Star-Spangled Banner" in Spanish can rest easy, according to an academic study published on Wednesday.
A report in the Population and Development Review found that far from threatening the dominance of English, most Latin American immigrants to the United States lose their ability to speak Spanish over the course of a few generations...
DUmmies: Chavez for Prez, simple "liberal" minds on multiculturalism, and George Galloway - 08/27/05
Today in DUmmy News:
The poll question "Is Hugo Chavez is the greatest world leader so far in the 21st century?" (link) [sic] has the following results: Yes, 32 votes. No, 24 votes.
A secret message from Patt Morrison? - 05/04/05
Patt Morrison - the variously behatted L.A. Times lifestyle columnist - offers a column about the anti-American KRCA billboard entitled "A Sign of Controversy Over Immigration" (link).
"Oakland's Bilingualism - No Americans Need Apply" - 08/06/04
Here's a flashback to April 21, 2001 (vdare . com/misc/matloff/oaklands_bilangualism.htm). I don't know if there's been more recent legislation, but the article does provide some interesting background. Of first note, he links to his S.F. Chronical editorial "Oakland may recognize 2 official languages -- and neither of them will be English" (sfgate . com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2001/04/11/ED120412.DTL):