Martin O'Malley, Douglas M. Duncan support illegal immigration
Posted Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 11:38 am
Douglas M. Duncan is the Executive of Maryland's Montgomery County, and Martin O'Malley is the mayor of Baltimore. And, they both fully support illegal immigration.
From "Ehrlich says Duncan wrong on illegal aliens":
See also "Duncan urges aid for illegals":
From "Ehrlich says Duncan wrong on illegal aliens":
Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. says most Marylanders would disagree with Montgomery County Executive Douglas M. Duncan's view that local governments should embrace illegal aliens.So? The only difference between that statement and the equally vapid equivalent one from Ehrlich is that Ehrlich is able to make the distinction between legality and illegality.
"His [view] is divergent from most of the state on that issue... Citizenship should mean something... We are a country of immigrants, but we need to respect our laws, and we have a responsibility to enforce our laws."
...However, Baltimore Mayor Martin O'Malley, who also is attending the conference, said he fully agrees with Mr. Duncan. Both Democratic leaders are considered likely challengers to Mr. Ehrlich's re-election bid next year.
"I believe that diversity is an American value," Mr. O'Malley said. "Immigrants contribute to our country and way of life."
See also "Duncan urges aid for illegals":
...Mr. Duncan said most immigrants are here legally and local government should concentrate on providing services to residents, not scrutinizing some ethnic groups for immigration violations or involvement in terrorism.See also last year's "Some people should be out of a job" for more on Montgomery County.
"I want us to be an open and welcoming community," he said. "The federal government needs to enforce immigration laws. ... Frankly, they have not been doing it."
Mr. Duncan said that as a county executive, and possibly as governor, he would back federal measures to address illegal immigration. He supports immigration reform proposed by U.S. Sens. John McCain, Arizona Republican, and Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat...