AVWatch: Los Angeles Times still covering up Villaraigosa's past
The previous post ("L.A. Times newsflash: the citizens are angry about illegal immigration") discussed the LAT article "Anger Boils at Illegal Immigrants" [1], which contains this near the end:
Vilified too was Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa β not for his heritage, speakers said, but because of his membership in MEChA, a Chicano rights organization, when he was a student at UCLA.
Memo to the Times: Villaraigosa has renounced that "Chicano rights organization". You don't usually renounce things that are good. Calling something a "rights organization" implies that it's good. Please, revise your spin guide.
I guess old habits of covering up for Villaraigosa's past are hard to break.
Note also the backhanded smear from Times reporter Lisa Richardson: "speakers said".
And, the "so-called" liberal media just can't get their story straight on this issue. As pointed out here, the SacBee said that AV "quickly" renounced MEChA. "Quickly" as in a few decades and about a week before the run-off election.
[1] latimes Β· com/news/local/la-me-race30jul30,1,7392829.story