Maybe you could convene a Commission or print some brochures or something...
According to 'Annan Seeks to Oversee Oil-for-Food Program':
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan asked the Security Council today to put him in charge of a humanitarian program that uses billions of dollars in Iraqi oil proceeds to pay for the delivery of food, medicine and other humanitarian supplies to needy Iraqi civilians.
The United States and Britain supported Annan's request for control of the oil-for-food program in their own resolution, to be presented to the council Friday. It would grant the United Nations power for at least 30 days to replace the Iraqi government as the chief supplier of food and other essential goods to millions of Iraqis.
It's good that the U.N. has something to keep them slightly relevant, and it's good PR to make the rebuilding more of an international thing; it's bad to give them the possibility of bogging this thing down and UNifying it.