Home Depot doesn't support illegal immigration

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The group Save Our State recently held a protest about illegal alien day laborers in front of a Home Depot in Alhambra, CA. It was counter-protested, but apparently peacefully. The AP reports:

Home Depot said in a statement it does not support illegal immigration but can't stop workers from standing near its stores.

I'll avoid making a joke at this point in time, instead I'll point out this rather interesting fact:

Home Depot is paying a lobbyist $10,000 a month to lobby the L.A. City Council about day laborer sites ("Home Depot, Antonio Villaraigosa, Fernando Guerra, and Microsoft").

And, L.A. City Councilman Ed Reyes has proposed an ordinance that all big box hardware stores should have day laborer sites ("...and our day laborer sites won't encourage illegal immigration").

Any math experts out there want to help me add 2 to 2?

Note that the San Gabriel Neighbors for Peace and Justice were involved in this protest; they were also involved in the Baldwin Park protest where a 66-year-old female Minuteman Project volunteer was hit in the forehead by a full water bottle, forcing her to spend the night in the ICU.

There are pictures of the counter-protesters here. As I say in a comment, eventually the MSM will realize that covering up for groups like this is a bad long-term strategy, leading to most people considering them completely discredited.

As for what you can do about Home Depot, there's a very effective suggestion here.


I was wrong. Evidently this IS hard for you to understand.

It's an accepted fact that most illegal immigrants are hispanic, and it's not racist to believe that. It is racist to suggest that just because someone is Hispanic is therefore an illegal immigrant is racist.

You must've missed this key part:

"Pew Hispanic Center"

Hint: I think the only reason the "Pew Hispanic Center" is interested in how many illegal immigrants are in South Carolina is because most of them are, or they're assuming most of them are, Hispanic. Get it?


"Why is the "Pew Hispanic Center" doing a study about how many illegal immigrants are in South Carolina? They must be a bunch of racists."

FYI: Assuming that Hispanics = Illegal Immigrants is racist. Doing a study on illegal immigrants is not racist. Not too hard to understand.

"But we're not racist."


Why is the "Pew Hispanic Center" doing a study about how many illegal immigrants are in South Carolina? They must be a bunch of racists.

"win the growing Hispanic market"

Actually, according to this:


And this (among other links):


Home Depot is doing a bit more than that -- they have made an agreement with an explicitly ethno-centric organization ("La Raza" = the race) to specifically recruit and hire Hispanics. That is, to take race/ethnicity into account when making recruitment and employment decisions. Which is uncool.

"But we're not racist."

A sizable majority of illegal immigrants are Hispanic -- this is simply a fact, and as such it is just logical, and 'common sense-ical', that the 'probable cause' principle would be more likely applied to Hispanics, especially ones who don't speak English well or at all. Prudent use of 'probable cause' is an important part of police work.

And as the other links here make clear, Home Depot is involved in faciltating hiring of day laborers, a sizable majority of whom are, not only in Southern California but all over the country, no doubt here illegally, and also Hispanic.

Home Depot has done nothing more than attempt to win the growing Hispanic market. To some Hispanic = Illegal immigrant. But we're not racist.

Reminds of 'We don't support the war, but we support the troops'.