"...and our day laborer sites won't encourage illegal immigration"
L.A. City Councilman Ed Reyes has proposed a law that would require each new big box hardware store in Los Angeles to have its own day laborer's solicitation site. He didn't make the titular quote, but he might as well have.
In the past, Home Depot has funded several such sites next to its stores, usually with the assistance of the local governments and, of course, "immigrant's rights" groups.
"We want to make sure that all day laborers in the city - despite their legal status - have a place where they can offer their services so that both neighborhoods and day laborers are equally protected... In some instances residents have complained about day laborers in their neighborhoods… and if we provide a specific place for them, we believe that these type of problems will be resolved..."
Incredibly stupid or disingenuous, you decide.
See also: "Arizona tries to stop public funding of illegal alien day laborer centers".
eh (not verified)
Thu, 06/02/2005 - 02:30
Wlll they have bathrooms and trash cans? If so, will the loitering 'willing workers' use them? Burning questions...
To be fair, Home Depot should also establish a fund to compensate nearby homeowners for the drop in property values, which are guaranteed to occur.
Zach (not verified)
Wed, 06/01/2005 - 14:24
"despite their legal status"
You just can't make these stories up, its simply beyond belief...
I guess laws are just suggestions.