Married by the Blogosphere
Propose possible wives for me in the comments section. In a later post, I will allow you to vote on my new spouse. No Mick chicks please.
UPDATE: Jill from Married by America looks OK, for a career-orientated TV sport bimbo (no doubt a FOX station) from Long Guyland whose mom looks and talks like an old TS. Billie Jean has tons and tons of class. Jennifer is not a drunken ball-busting bitch.
CORRECTION: Jill is not a TV sports bimbo, she's actually the NY Islanders Arena Hostess/Announcer. Does Rupert own the Islanders?
UPDATE 2: Why are the contestants from either NY or Atlanta? Is Fox trying to get more ratings in those two areas? Or, were they on a budget and those are the only two areas they could fly into?
UPDATE 3: Here's some near-naked pics of Jill. Here's a story about her (they confuse "isle" with "aisle." Jaybus.) Here's Jill's site.
Here's a quote from Jill: "I'm saddened that I have to give up the [Miss Long Island] title because I don't think there's anything wrong with posing in Playboy."
Me neither.