Mexican official: Mexico violates migrants' rights
From this:
[Mexico's] human rights ombudsman said Tuesday that Mexico is guilty of abuses toward undocumented migrants bound for the United States, contradicting the recent positive appraisal by a U.N. official.
"Examinations of immigration facilities reveal that some of those installations display anomalies that are so serious they constitute an open assault on the dignity and fundamental human rights of the people held there," said a statement from the Human Rights Commission, or CNDH.
That agency, headed by Jose Luis Soberanes, said its view differs from a recent upbeat assessment of the treatment of migrants in Mexico offered by the U.N. special rapporteur for immigrants' rights, Gabriela Rodriguez Pizarro...
That rapporteur was last featured here in the post "Mexico files human rights complaint against U.S. to the United Nations".
Based on the small amount of research I did in that post, I'm not surprised to find that there's a "discrepancy."
See also the two "Irony on the Border" posts. Mexico already has a law similar to Arizona's Prop. 200, and residents of a Mexican state aren't happy with migration by Indians from other parts of Mexico to... do the jobs Mexicans won't do.