Some endorsements

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As readers might have figured out by now, I'm endorsing John Kerry to be president. I strongly urge all readers to consider the past four years, use that as a key to understanding what the next four years would be like under George Bush, and put their faith in divided government. I'll have more to say about this in a day or two, but I'll add that I don't think Kerry will be that bad as a president, and he will definitely by orders of magnitude better than what we've had.

I suggest voting for Republicans for most other offices.

However, I strongly urge all readers to vote for the following Democrats:

Beau Babka

Cynthia Matthews

Beau Babka's opponent is Chris Cannon, who's been featured in several posts here.

Cynthia Matthews is, of course, running against David Dreier.

I'll compile a list of California propositions in a day or two.

I note also that blogdom's own Dave Winer is conducting a google bomb endorsement contest. Thus, this link.