Interlocking loonies
Posted Thu, Aug 19, 2004 at 8:22 pm
Front Page Magazine reports on all the people and groups tied into George Soros' network of 527s in the article Soros' "Reform".
The article lists so many names who are tied to Soros it's almost mind-numbing:
The article lists so many names who are tied to Soros it's almost mind-numbing:
Soros believes he is the apostle of something he calls "the open society" under which national sovereignty is subjugated to global "democracy;" a vision that includes the borderless spread of international gun control.
...former Clinton White House operative Harold Ickes' Media Fund - which scant press reports say will be launching attack ads against President Bush -- can't be found in a Google Search. Some are merely addresses in nowhere. entity created in Texas called the Sustainable World Corp., incorporated on December 10, 2003. A few days later it split $3.1 million between a "527" called Joint Victory Campaign 2004 and the Ickes Media Fund. The [Washington] Post noted that the only public information available on the Sustainable World Corp. is a Houston post office box, and that its registered agent refused to identify the principals of his client.
..."Campaign for a Progressive Future" (CPF) has expenditures tied to the Million Mom March... Among its donors are George Soros and Soros Fund Management and the Irene Diamond Fund, which helped bankroll the NAACP anti-gun lawsuit. Each Fund gave the CPF $500,000. A Google Search on the CPF produces nothing but an information page under the heading "Silent Partners" from the Center for Public Integrity, which lists the group as an "organization that supports candidates opposed by the National Rifle Association."
...a search on the Democratic National Committee Website for the words "" produces a few paragraphs that raise instant questions for Soros.
One item says, "The DNC is also conducting a major petition drive in partnership with More than 310,000 Americans have signed the petition to protect our courts - with more than 172,000 of those signatures coming in the past 36 hours. The petition calls on Bush and the Republicans to stop nominating judges that are out of step with mainstream Americans and praising the Democrats for standing up for their rights." The DNC website links the petition.
The other announcement involved what the DNC called "a massive public mobilization" in which "The Democratic Party is partnering with" to fight President Bush?s tax cuts.
...Sugar-daddy Soros' America Coming Together is headed by Steve Rosenthal, formerly the Political Director of the AFL-CIO, whose title is now Chief Executive Officer of ACT, and by and Ellen R. Malcom, founder of EMILY?s list, the nation's most notable pro-abortion "special interest" political action committee. Ms. Malcolm's title is President, though the ACT website says she will keep her post at EMILY's List.
In addition the ACT website lists:
Minyon Moore, "formerly Chief Operations Officer for the Democratic National Committee;" Gina Glantz, the former national campaign manager for the Bill Bradley for President Campaign; Cecile Richards, "President of America Votes, a coalition of 17 national organizations working together to educate and mobilize voters in the 2004 elections;" Andy Stern, President of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU); and Carl Pope, Executive Director of the Sierra Club. Pope is listed as ACT's Treasurer.
There's more. An Internet search produces a press release on the Democratic National Committee website announcing Minyon Moore?s August 2002 departure as the DNC's Chief Operating Officer to work for Dewey Square Group, a Democratic political consultancy.
According to the DNC, "Moore served as White House political director under President Clinton, as Political Director of the DNC... Moore will continue to serve as a senior advisor to the DNC and to Chairman (Terry) McAuliff." In addition, the chairman said, "I couldn?t be more thrilled than to nominate her to serve as an At-Large DNC member as well as a member of the DNC?s executive committee." The release quotes Ms. Moore: "I look forward to maintaining a close relationship with the DNC in my new position at Dewy Square?"
Cecile Richards is the activist daughter of Anne Richards, the former Governor of Texas who lost her job to George W. Bush. She is a former organizer for the Service Employees [sic; International] Union and is President of America Votes, which just so happen to be another 527 organization getting soft money. Before coming to America Votes, Ms. Richards was Deputy Chief of Staff to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi...
John S Bolton (not verified)
Fri, 08/20/2004 - 20:47
Soros wants rich societies to be open to plundering; he doesn't like it that some countries have been relatively closed-off from socialistic pillagers. Soros looks over the precipice into the abyss of annihilation which the open and internationalistic elites have been all but swallowed-up by, and in rage and malice against those who've saved themselves so far, demands that all the successful societies be dragged down also.