How many didn't get caught?

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According to Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough:

U.S. border agents since October have picked up five Arabs trying to cross into the United States illegally from Mexico, according to U.S. officials. The arrests are raising new concerns that al Qaeda terrorists are trying to enter the country from Mexico.

However, officials at the Homeland Security Department's Customs and Border Protection section - formerly the U.S. Border Patrol - were quick to dismiss as erroneous an Internet report this week that said a "flood" of Middle Eastern men were caught recently trying to sneak into the United States across the Mexican border with Arizona.

[...they were Oaxacan Indians...]

Here's the report Gertz' sources are presumably referring to:

However, seasoned Border Patrol field agents have shared some disturbing information with the [Tombstone AZ] Tumbleweed...
The Tumbleweed has verified information that a flood of middle-eastern males have been caught entering the country illegally east of Douglas, Arizona. The increased patrols in the Huachuca Mountains area of Cochise County, seems to have diverted the flow of OTM's, "other than Mexicans" east to the Chiricahua Mountains.
Adame, who says many of the agents in the area are "green", questions why they would have shared the information with the Tumbleweed or any other source. "Our policy is to turn any OTM's over to the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security," Adame said in a phone call made to the Tumbleweed Wednesday morning.
For reasons of National security, Adame said his agency cannot talk about the origin of nationaity, however Adame says that since October 1, 2003, the beginning of the fiscal year for Border Patrol, agents in the Tucson sector have apprehended 5,510 illegals from countries other than Mexico or other central or South American countries. Adame described them as "people from all over the world".
In the last month, the Tumbleweed has confirmed at least two documented accounts of Border Patrol agents encountering large groups of non-Spanish speaking males in the Chiricahua foothills and on trails along the high mountain areas.
On or about the early morning hours of June 13, 2004 Border patrol agents from the Willcox station encountered a large group of suspected illegal border crossers, estimated to be around 158... 71 suspected illegal aliens were apprehended; among them were 53 males of middle-eastern descent.
According to a Border Patrol field agent, the men were suspected to be Iranian or possibly Syrian nationals. "One thing's for sure: these guys didn't speak Spanish and after we questioned them harder we discovered they spoke poor English with a middle-eastern accent; then we caught them speaking to each other in Arabic…this is ridiculous that we don't take this more seriously, and we're told not to say a thing to the media, but I have to," said the agent, who spoke to the Tumbleweed with the promise of anonymity.
Adame confirms the groups of illegals were apprehended on those dates in the same area but stated, "There were no middle easterners in the group. Every single one of them was Mexican."


If they do another major bombing here, in the next few months, and dereliction of top officials is the cause, Bush will not be able to escape blame. As in Spain, Alqaeda can dismiss the top official, if they get their people in over a border that the government refuses to defend adequately. These news items of m.e.'ners over the border, and practicing their airplane-passenger techniques, indicate what may be coming, and how the government is trying to achieve plausible deniability of the threats.

Geeeeeez, Thanks for the info.

This is war on us--in several ways.

Academic types, attorneys, and politico elitists are clueless and screwing the country.
Think more and more that we have to fight these battles as citizens.

Are you by any chance is your approach what I term myself and peer types as, of the Smart Independents Grouping?