Blog: Local, unimportant Democratic activists to make Libertarian Party slightly less irrelevant
Posted Sun, Jun 20, 2004 at 10:13 pm
A Democratic activist named Chaz Proulx is organizing a protest:
Many concerned citizens from around the state will be protesting the so-called "2004 Liberty Dinner".
DATE: Friday, June 25, 2004
5:00 - 9:00 pm
Plymouth State University's Prospect HallGovernor Benson is the keynote speaker. He will be addressing the Free State Project. The governor and the Free Staters share the same far-right agenda of gutting our state government and public institutions...
Did we mention that the Liberty Dinner is some kind of charitable soiree for disadvantaged kids?
Longer term, every religious cult political party needs a devil, and the Free Staters might have just found their own personal Satan.
Chaz Proulx (not verified)
Fri, 06/25/2004 - 17:51
Mr. Lonely Wacko. I'm the "satan" you refer to.
How bout this. Call me and hash it out. 603-772-2973. If you call me we can discuss ideas. If you don't call -- you will join a large group of cowards that are afraid to come out of the shadows.
The ball is in your court. Introduce yourself as lone - wacko so I know who I'm talking to.
Charlie "Chaz" Proulx Exeter NH
G.J.P. Jr. (not verified)
Mon, 06/21/2004 - 11:35
Well, I suppose that 'Liberty' magazine will have a huge spread on this little soiree, now won't they?
I have no problem listening to reasonable voices of libertarianism, some of whom are included in the pages of 'Reason.'
However, I draw the line at listening to the pap spouted by hackneyed-and not too successful-politicians like Harry Browne.
When these bozos start recruiting candidates who don't purposefully turn themselves blue, or raise campaign funds from the "American Goldbug Society", then I'll start paying attention.
Until then, I'll be consigning their political leadership to the ash heap of discredited American political movements.
-good times, Donkey Kong/Yazid