An effective way to oppose Bilderberg in less than five minutes
There are plenty of hard and/or ineffective ways to oppose the Bilderberg conference. Instead, I'll describe something you can do in less than five minutes that - if enough people joined in - would have a measurable impact.
The goal of this approach is to make Bilderberg toxic to some degree. That is, leaders wouldn't want to be caught attending one of their meetings. Wouldn't that go a long way towards reducing Bilderberg influence?
The way to increase the "toxicity" of Bilderberg is to make those who attend pay a political price. If someone loses popular support over their Bilderberg attendance, that will make others think twice [1].
Take, for example, Atlanta mayor Kasim Reed. He'll be attending this year's meeting. If he gets a lot of complaints from his former supporters and finds that his local political power has decreased, is he going to be eager to attend another Bilderberg meeting?
To bring that about, inform his supporters that he's attending Bilderberg and describe to them the negative impacts of such groups. You can do that on Twitter, Facebook, and through other social media.
Start by searching for @KasimReed here. In that list, find someone who supports Reed. For instance, one of his constituents tweeted this to Reed:
can u look into sidewalks on Delowe Dr.? Kids r in the roadway walkn to the #AdamsParkPool Moms w strollers etc. I know ur busy.
I'd tweet something like "Reed is too busy attending secret globalist meetings at #Bilderberg2014 to be concerned with sidewalks."
I'm sure you can do better, so please take a few minutes - perhaps even just a minute or two - and do something like that.
You can also try to put pressure on Reed indirectly, as in the case of this tweet from @MattSowers77:
@repdavidscott Since he's an elected official, will u guys ask @KasimReed to release the minutes for #Bilderberg2014 meeting this weekend?
In addition to Reed, here are a few more of this year's attendees; use the same technique against them:
- @ReidHoffman (LinkedIn, part of Mark Zuckerberg's FWDUS)
- @Bruce_Katz (Brookings Institution, see this)
- @CharlesMurray
- Robert Rubin
- @ericschmidt (Google corporate)
- @LHSummers (Larry Summers of Harvard University)
- @PeterThiel (hasn't tweeted in 5 years, but others tweet at him)
More may be added to the list as they become known.
[1] Admittedly, this approach might temporarly backfire: it might cause the formation of groups even more secretive than Bilderberg. However, it will be hard to keep such groups a complete secret, and the same technique can be applied to any new groups.