Don't take Glenn Reynolds' advice, Part 7271930B (Instapundit, USA Today, "A revolution in the works?")
University of Tennessee law professors Glenn Reynolds of the "Instapundit" blog shows yet again why you shouldn't take his advice.
This edition is in USA Today ( ) entitled "A revolution in the works?":
...According to a Pew poll released last week, more than half of Americans view government as a threat to their freedom.
...Add this to another recent poll in which only 22% of likely voters feel America's government has the "consent of the governed," and you've got a pretty depressing picture -- and a recipe for potential trouble.
...There are two possible ways to address this problem. One is to elect people that everyone trusts. The problem with that is that there aren't any politicians that everyone trusts -- and, alas, if there were, the odds are good that such trust would turn out to be misplaced.
The other option is to place less power within the political sphere. The less power the government has, the less incentive for corruption, and the less that can go wrong when the government misbehaves. The problem with this approach is that the political class likes a powerful government -- it's one of the reasons that the Washington, DC, area, where much of the political class lives, is beginning to resemble the Capital City in The Hunger Games, prospering while the rest of the country suffers.
The third option - the one Glenn Reynolds can't figure out - is to do what citizens are supposed to do: hold politicians accountable. That doesn't just mean voting: it means asking politicians tough questions designed to reveal their malfeasance and the downsides of what they propose.
Those in Glenn Reynolds' sphere are only capable of acting like children: playing dress-up games (in fact, the Reynolds post includes a picture of a Teapartier playing dress-up), swarming political meetings, shouting people down, and on and on.
For the most effective way to hold politicians accountable - a method that political hacks across the spectrum are truly afraid of - see Question Authority. That's how you clean up politics, not with false choices or dress-up games.