Latino Leaders Protest Rahm Emanuel
[[Progressive Democrats of America]]//[[February 26th, 2007]]/ link
This is a press release printed/reprinted at their site:
Latino Leaders Protest In Front of the Most Powerful Democrat in the Nation today, Rahm Emanuel
To Request an Immediate Moratorium on the Deportations
Chicago – Monday February 26, 2007 Latino Community leaders will gather in front of the north side office of Congressman Rahm Emanuel to send a strong message to the king pin of the Democratic Party. It is well known by the public that Congress Emanuel is the power engine behind the Democratic Party and he must assist in stopping the destruction of the families of American Citizens who have supported the Democratic Party. The leaders along with families being affected by the broken immigration system will be requesting him to submit legislation for an immediate Moratorium on the Raids occurring across the nation.
[[Moises Zavala]] Organizer for the Local 881 [[United Food and Commercial Workers]] stated," The raids are a direct attack on all working families. [[United Food and Commercial Workers]] will continue to work with community organization to pressure Congress & the President to put a stop to the raids immediately."
...stated [[Julie Santos]] an immigrant rights activist.
Latino leaders believe that the Legislatures must place an Immediate Moratorium on the Deportations...
A letter signed by various community leaders and residents will be submitted to Congressman Emmanuel with a formal request for an Immediate Moratorium and a Humanitarian Legalization for all.
When: Monday
February 26, 2007
Where: 3742 W. Irving Park
Chicago, Illinois
Time: 11:00 am