Nate Cohn of TNR misleads about Mitt Romney and Arizona
Nate Cohn of The New Republic offers "Will Obama’s New Immigration Policy Help in November?" [1], a response to Obama in effect passing the DREAM Act by executive order:
...The next few weeks represent one of Obama’s best opportunities to consolidate the Latino vote. Even if Romney emerges unscathed from today’s news, the Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on Arizona’s controversial immigration law might again place him on the defensive. The timing of today’s move allows Obama to ameliorate Latino concerns about his commitment to immigration reform before the Court rules on the divisive Arizona law, which Romney depicted as a potential "model for the nation.
Romney didn't call the Arizona law a "model for the nation". Robert Reich misled about that too; see the link. But, don't just take it from me; see Politifact at [2].
Note also that, according to CNN [3], 75% of Americans support the Arizona law. Meaning that Mitt Romney would be on the defensive against a small segment of the U.S.; Romney going even weaker on immigration would not be the right thing to do and it would not be popular with most Americans.
[1] tnr . com/blog/electionate/104092/
[2] politifact . com/texas/statements/2012/apr/11/
[3] outfront.blogs.cnn . com/2012/06/11/
A new CNN poll finds 75% of Americans support the controversial Arizona immigration law that allows law enforcement officials to question a suspect's immigration status after they have already been detained for another reason.