It's Labor Day and I want you to celebrate my labors
Initially I was going to offer a Labor Day post in the usual, "wacky" style. You know: I was going to talk about the "Team 24Ahead Team Picnic", refer to completely made-up people, and imply that I not only used child labor but that I overworked them at the 24Ahead lead smelter.
But, then I realized: I'm labor too. Every single day, I labor away to bring you the information you need. No, it isn't "Guillaume", or "Gwendolynne Fritz-Ruffala" (a transparent parody of Garance Franke-Ruta). No, it's me. I am your laborer, and this is my day.
Accordingly, I decided instead to ask you to click the graphic of Time Capsule and either buy that compilation of their music videos or at least click the graphic and then buy something else. In fact, if there are any stray lefties around, the song Maddox Table - illustrated on the DVD with a historical promotional film for Jamestown, NY and concerning laborers at that plant - will strike an especial chord even for those who don't know someone who owns one of their tables:
to your benefit we's strike or bargain
with the waving fist a union man
not just for
smokes spirits candy and cologne
but for
automobile keys
cash in the bank
and the deed
on a place called home
Now, of course, we know there's more to it. However, in the 50s, that was true.
Video kinda related.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 09/08/2009 - 04:08
HS 19276 2009-09-08T06:08:59-05:00
I worked to day all day, did it for 50 years, "can i ask what is a Labor day but to work for nothing get beaten by the boss and if you are a boss its good to beaten your workers". after all we do live in the USA!