Tweets to ed lavandera

ed lavandera's avatar
Twitter handle: 
ed lavandera
@cnn national correspondent Instagram: @edlavacnn
Tweets to this user:
ed lavandera's avatar
From @edlavaCNN
But, at that height, what’s the point of the hard hat?
Ana Dopico's avatar
From @ADopicodelValle
@edlavaCNN Metaphor for the press? Thanks for the terrifying start to the day.
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@ADopicodelValle: hi Ana, @edlavaCNN greatly *helped* Trump. He did a segment on the "wall", complete with an animation of how it would work. If Ed were smart & patriotic, he would have called Trump proxies on reality: Congress & future admins will neglect/tear down the "wall".
ed lavandera's avatar
From @edlavaCNN
NomDePlume's avatar
From @NomDePume
@edlavaCNN I bet the President of Finland wanted to say to trump ‘oh that’s ok, he can finish asking you his question’
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@NomDePume: all @edlavaCNN had to do was call Trump proxies on how the next admin/Congress will neglect/tear down Trump's "wall" & Trump's signature issue would be revealed as vaporware. Instead, Ed *helped* Trump by pretending Trump's absurd idea was realistic.
Linda Ajello's avatar
From @mamajello
@MariaSantanaCNN @Acosta @CNN @edlavaCNN How about @DevinNunes family farm!
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@mamajello: the edlava show @MariaSantanaCNN hypes handwaves concerns about illegal aliens away by... relying on what a crooked farmer says. Ed & Maria would help crooked farmers exploit foreign serf labor rather than hiring Americans at good wages. Be a real liberal.
Jack Hoffman's avatar
From @azrolexguy
@MariaSantanaCNN @CNN @edlavaCNN Immigrants, great, huge fan, illegal immigrants are criminals and should be treated as such
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's incredibly easy to show Maria Santana etc wrong to their base. It's clear Trump isn't even trying that. Please explain. MT @azrolexguy ...illegal immigrants are criminals [not necessarily] and should be treated as such [that plays right into their advocates' hands]
J. Cross's avatar
From @jdylancross
@MariaSantanaCNN @Acosta @CNN @edlavaCNN What are the chances cnn ever does a story on the negative effects of mass…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
It's not likely: Trump & Fox demonize illegal aliens, making CNN's job of not doing that even easier. Trump, Fox, r/w bloggers, etc. can't show CNN wrong to their base. MT @jdylancross ...What are the chances cnn ever does a story on the negative effects of mass immigration?...
James Mackley's avatar
From @jimmackley
@edlavaCNN @CNN E verify must become mandatory
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@jimmackley: even if eVerify became mandatory, those like Ed Lavandera of #CNN will keep pushing illegal #immigration. The smart way to solve the problem is to show those like Ed wrong. See how I do it and do it better.
Jason Davidson's avatar
From @Jayda1850
@MariaSantanaCNN @CNN @edlavaCNN Shocking! Places that require back breaking work and only paying dollars a day hav…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
Look at the bottom line of tweets like yours. Wouldn't you *help* farmers exploit workers? MT @Jayda1850 ...Places that require back breaking work & only paying dollars a day have big immigrant populations while at the same time have voters who support anti-immigrant policies...
Mike from Queens's avatar
From @MGJohnson24
@edlavaCNN @CNN What time?
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@MGJohnson24: @edlavaCNN handwaves concerns about illegal aliens away... by relying on what crooked farmers tell him. Is that what you'd call journalism? Look at the bottom line: he'd help crooked farmers exploit foreign serf laborers. Is that what you'd call liberal?
Maria Santana's avatar
From @MariaSantanaCNN
I urge everyone to watch my @CNN colleague @edlavaCNN's special report tonight "The Hidden Workforce" to get a real…
Jeff Reynolds's avatar
From @JeffRey77925462
@MariaSantanaCNN @CNN @edlavaCNN Ya know, if they’ve lived here, have family here, have a job......They’re American!..........
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
That's not how things work in any country. You're also pushing open borders, a Koch scheme to lower wages. MT @JeffRey77925462 [bio: "Jeff Reynolds OT, M.S.Ed."] Ya know, if they’ve lived here, have family here, have a job......They’re American!..........
ed lavandera's avatar
From @edlavaCNN
In tonight's @CNN Special Report "The Hidden Workforce," we'll focus on how immigrant populations are thriving in t…
Indi_Tx27_4Beto's avatar
From @Indi_Tx27_4Beto
@edlavaCNN @CNN I would love for you to take a look at the comprehensive immigration reform plan that .@BetoORourke…
24AheadDotCom_'s avatar
From @24aheaddotcom_
.@Indi_Tx27_4Beto: the @BetoORourke #immigration plan is a corporate wet dream. I'm recruiting people to go to his events and call him on how incredibly pro-Big Biz he is. Sell your Beto stock.
