Deval Patrick, MIRA release list of 131 immigration demands (Massachusetts Advisory Council)

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Earlier today, Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick released a state-sponsored report making recommendations about how to deal with immigration both in that state and in the U.S. as a whole. The report is from "The Governor's Advisory Council for Refugees and Immigrants", which is basically a joint venture between his office and the far-left, illegal immigration-supporting Massachusetts Immigration and Refugee Advocacy Coalition (the current leader of the National Immigration Forum, Ali Noorani, used to head MIRA). You can get a copy of the report from, and a local news report is here:

Immigration activists say they are hopeful that Gov. Deval Patrick will support proposals in an advisory report calling for more English classes for the state's immigrants and in-state tuition for undocumented college students.

Patrick release the report, which contains 131 recommendations, at a lunch for immigrant advocates today...

The report also calls from more translators at health centers, bilingual education and a better way to recognize foreign professional degrees.

In addition to the above, they also call for Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform and the (anti-American) DREAM Act, and repeal Real ID.

If you're in the area, you might try to ask Patrick (or a proxy) at one of his public appearances why he's joining with such a far-left group rather than a wide spectrum of groups including those who support our laws. You might also want to ask questions about the following paragraph that appears at the beginning of the report:

Integration is an important goal for both partners but it faces many challenges. The most evident is the rise of virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric in the country. Although most Americans agree that immigrants are valuable assets to local communities, a small minority of individuals feel that America should no longer be a nation open to immigrants. These anti-immigrant voices have created a poisonous atmosphere around the immigration debate and unfortunately have often overwhelmed legitimate public discussions on flow, status, and the best way to incorporate newcomers.

You could ask someone to list exact, fully-cited examples of that "virulent anti-immigrant rhetoric", then show how they're wrong. You could ask them to list those people who want to shut off immigration completely, making sure to demand that they provide cites. And, you could ask why Patrick's office - an entity supposedly representing all the people in his state - produced a report that appears to be smearing those who simply want to enforce our laws, and doing so with an implied strawman argument. If someone's able to do that, they can reduce (even further) Patrick's credibility and reduce his ability to push the 131 recommendations.


How much money did they spend on that bullshit? Patrick and his fellow time- and money-wasters may want to have a look at the the Waltham, MA most wanted list [1]. I wonder if they have any recommendations about what to do there? Maybe something like when you're in a hole stop digging?


all about money and control, its about the ideals of the communist party inside the USA.

He needs the votes - he is on the way OUT!

'Integration is an important goal for both partners' Partners? What they want is a shotgun marriage with their special interest coalition holding the gun at the American people to accept open borders whether they like it or not. 'a small minority of individuals feel that America should no longer be a nation open to immigrants.' They mean anyone not for unlimited immigration and not completely opposed to any form of immigration law enforcement. 'a poisonous atmosphere around the immigration debate ' These fools don't want ANY debate. People who slime and try to censor anyone who isn't down with their radical agenda accuse *others* of poisoning? 'have often overwhelmed legitimate public discussions' examples please of whatever the heck you're talking about. I think these enemies of freedom mean protest, that being so illegitimate in our system of government.

How arrogant to act like only your position is legitimate. Patrick wants to associate his name with un-American bile like this?