Bill Press is an idiot, Part #4832842 (Bank of America illegal alien credit cards)
Bill Press is a radio (Jones Radio Network), TV, and newspaper pundit and the former chairman of the California Democratic Party. Via this he offers "Bank Of America Rejects English-Only Plastic". As with other things, discussing all the ways it's wrong would take too long. So, let's just concentrate on three things:
1. The "Latino market" certainly includes most of the illegal alien market, but perhaps Press might consider not giving the impression that every Latino is an illegal alien by conflating the two markets.
2. While I never thought I'd say this, there are some statements that are even below sleazy bloggers such as Atrios. And, the Press statement "Tom Tancredo, who has yet to see an immigrant he didn't hate" falls in that category. It's not just false, it's extremely childish. Perhaps Creators Syndicate should look into the editing they give Press' articles.
3. Press strikes a loony libertarian note with "These new credit card customers may have broken the law by entering the country illegally. But that's no business of the banks." They've also almost certainly been hired illegally. What if the bank has a strong suspicion that some customers are drugrunners? Is that not their business either, and should they go after that market as well?
4. Press says "Now conservatives want the federal government to tell banks whom they can do business with." It's actually the other way around: banks weren't originally able to accept Mexico's Matricula Consular card as ID. The Bush administration fought to allow them to accept that card. In brief, Press is supporting Bush administration corruption.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 03/01/2007 - 20:41
do what CheshireCat tells you! thank God I never had a account at that low live Bank.
CheshireCat (not verified)
Wed, 02/28/2007 - 08:07
Bank of America is giving credit cards to illegal aliens with no credit history and no Social Security number. Close your account and join the boycott. Visit the site and learn about banks that are not doing business with illegal aliens. Don
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 02/25/2007 - 21:23
B of A has nothing to do with this nation or mexico its reason for being is money! if it can it will make money selling you-out, so don't get mad...See it for what it is.