"Following the Amnesty Trail" (Arizona, illegal aliens, trash, crime)
Posted Wed, Feb 14, 2007 at 11:12 pm
Leo W. Banks drives and walks along the "Amnesty Trail" in Arizona, the route that future illegal aliens might take should Bush push through amnesty. A snippet:
Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge has 5 1/2 miles of border within the corridor. Its land has been badly staggered by illegal immigration and drug smuggling, and visitors can see evidence of it within moments of arriving. The parking lot is surrounded by steel rails and a locked gate, and the office has bars on the windows and expensive security doors.
It looks like a building in a dangerous inner-city neighborhood, not an 118,000-acre preserve in some of Arizona's most picturesque land.
...There are now 1,500-2,000 miles of illegal trails on Refuge land. Illegal crossers left 500 tons of trash for staff and volunteers to pick up in 2004, and about the same amount in 2005. "I know it sounds unbelievable, but we cranked the numbers," says Ellis.
...The hardest-hit area is below Garcia Road, a dirt track running east to west about a mile north of the border. This parcel became such a hotbed of criminal activity that in October, Ellis ordered 3,500 acres off limits to the public--American land effectively taken out of American hands by the invaders...
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Thu, 02/15/2007 - 21:52
Pat Bush want it now, The so called white house is behind all things against the ideals of laws!
Bush want's us to become Mexico and loves doing his thing to all who stand for rights and duty and Laws of a just Land of ideals, Bush and the other Rats are as evil as Bin Laden.
listen to Savage Nation, read Alex Jones, listen to want is the coming hell on earth.
Pat (not verified)
Thu, 02/15/2007 - 14:25
Email a copy of the article to the White House.