Karl Rove reveals why GOP and Democrats support illegal immigration
Speaking at a GOP women's luncheon, a congressman's wife says Karl Rove said the following yesterday:
"I don't want my 17-year-old son to have to pick tomatoes or make beds in Las Vegas."
There's a slight chance that he didn't say this or it was taken out of context. Whether he actually said it or not, this statement isn't that shocking since "jobs Americans won't do" and the like are just more polite versions of the quote. The "guest" worker programs supported by both the GOP and the Democrats are just polite legislation mandating the underlying sentiments of the quote.
While the kindergarteners of the left (link,link, link, link) are quick to jump on this statement - almost exclusively with personal, completely content free, and in some cases racial attacks on Rove personally - few of them seem able to grasp that sentiments like that have been expressed by people from all sides and this is simply a bi-partisan betrayal of those they're supposed to serve.
UPDATE: Andrew Sullivan doubts the accuracy of the quote. Sorry Sully, but the White House doesn't deny he said it, only saying that it was taken out of context. Perhaps when Sully comes to grips with this he'll understand better the policy he supports.
American Woman (not verified)
Sun, 02/11/2007 - 21:48
If this statement is true, it's not surprising is it? People like Rove and politicians in Washington are an arrogant bunch. I guess Rove thinks it's beneath his son to make beds or pick fruit. I've done it, and so have others. What makes these people so special?
Ten to one, Rove and the others have servants who do everything for them. It's beneath them to get their lily-white hands dirty. And I guess their children's butts are made of gold because they shouldn't have to do chores or clean their own bedrooms. Someone else should do that for them.
It's attitudes like that that help the problem of illegal immigration. These people hire illegals instead of Americans because then they can avoid paying taxes on their workers as well as spend less money.
I must agree with the comments of Fred Dawes above. It's past time for Americans to stand up and take their country back from people like Rove, Bush, Pelosi, and others. These people have become complacent in their powerful positions. They need a reminder that they can be easily replaced just like anyone else.
pdn (not verified)
Fri, 02/09/2007 - 19:36
I think that anyone unfortunate enough to have Karl Rove for a father would be well advised to spend some time picking tomatoes, making beds or doing something else along those lines in order to regain some contact with reality. If the Dims had (instead of John Kerry) nominated John Edwards in 2004 Rove would have long since been relegated to the garbage dump where overrated political operatives are buried. Recent political history should have informed the Dimmycrats that they win with Southerners and lose with guys from Massachussets(JFK was two generations ago).
Of course, in 2008, with Bush and Rove having totally destroyed the GOP, the Dems will be able to win even with virtually anyone-even the Hawaiian-Kenyan-Indonesian Obama. Hillary should be an easy sell after Bush.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 02/09/2007 - 16:09
I will not get mad, but the fact is if you don't start acting like real Americans you will not have a country of your own in 10 to 20 years, stand around and do nothing but say yes you are doomed to live inside a third world hell.