"Doubts linger on feasibility of barrier" (border fence)
Posted Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 4:52 am
From this:
Both proponents and opponents of 700 miles of fences along the U.S.-Mexico border question whether the Bush administration can deliver the barriers -- whose exact location, price tag and construction start date remain unknown.T.J. Bonner of the National Border Patrol Council says it will "do nothing" and will act only as a "speed bump". One possible motivation for his remarks is that he wants to get more BP agents. And, of course it will do something, and have a deterrent effect, especially if advertised correctly in Mexico.
The Secure Fence Act, signed yesterday by President Bush, does not require the government to show any results of fence construction until May 2008 and while it does specify where along the 1,951-mile U.S.-Mexico border the barriers should go, there's no guarantee they ever will.
State legislatures, governors, and city and county governments, along with Indian tribal councils, have veto power over fencing locations...
George (not verified)
Sat, 10/28/2006 - 15:57
"The Secure Fence Act, signed yesterday by President Bush, does not require the government to show any results of fence construction until May 2008 and while it does specify where along the 1,951-mile U.S.-Mexico border the barriers should go, there's no guarantee they ever will."
I believe that the Executive Branch would have to spend the money appropriated by Congress during this fiscal year (2007) or request a new appropriation for the following year. We'll just have to keep track of it in order to discover the administration's true intent.
Dave (not verified)
Fri, 10/27/2006 - 08:16
I think we should once again enforce a quota system in which we limit the amount of immigrtion that occurs. But, to be treated equally and be a part of the "Land of opportunity and the free", they must do their part by paying taxes. I could see why Republicans worry less about this situation because in most cases they take advantage as employers by not having to pay the Social Security tax of 6.2% to their workers. Therefore, Congress will likely fall into the hands of a Democrat Party and probably will make the neccessary changes to our country to find solutions to the Social Security Crisis that will soon be here in 2018 and border patrol.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Fri, 10/27/2006 - 07:52
One of Karl Rove's key political operatives in action on the streets of Anytown,USA
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 10/27/2006 - 07:43
the fence is just one more lie, the fact is bush has made "the deal", and no money has been or will be available to build any thing like 700 miles OF FENCE, if the money shows up? the money will go to the prison system were Americans will to put for yelling about the death of the USA AT THE HANDS OF GUYS LIKE BUSH AND BUSINESS, Hill and bill will have "alot of fun", ordering many new wacos when hill becoming LA, raza President!
The USA will start to look something like salvador/mexico in the coming years.
eh (not verified)
Fri, 10/27/2006 - 06:22
And, of course it will do something, and have a deterrent effect, especially if advertised correctly in Mexico.
Dunno...The fence, if it's ever built, will be just a one time physical barrier, still leaving most of the border uncovered (but the following applies even if it didn't), so there will be no shortage of people willing to give getting by it a try, since they've probably heard that once they're in the difficulties they'd encounter here are not insurmountable, to say the least. Probably stepped up interior enforcement, making it tough(er) for illegals to live here, would be a stronger disincentive.