Three San Diego border hospitals might close [partly because of illegal immigration]
Posted Tue, Jul 25, 2006 at 12:29 pm
From this:
At least 3 hospitals serving many poor and uninsured people south of I-8 are in danger of financial collapse. Few physician specialists will accept such patients. And the county lacks a system to coordinate their care.While the article details other reasons, it also doesn't mention who many or most of those "poor people" are: illegal aliens.
Those are three of 24 serious weaknesses in San Diego County's broken safety net that more than 900,000 Medi-Cal beneficiaries and uninsured residents depend on for medical care, according to a draft of a county-commissioned report released yesterday...
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 07/25/2006 - 23:30
for now the places will stay opened for race reason someone will find the money, but after the government of mexico makes its real plans many will close, after why do you need hospitals the enslaved? see it for what it is.
the trojan horse of population and call it what it is a real WMD.