"Bush Administration Erases U.S. Borders With Mexico and Canada"

Here's the latest from Jerome Corsi:
The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), signed by President Bush with Mexico and Canada in Waco, Tex., on March 23, 2005, was fundamentally an agreement to erase our borders with Mexico and Canada.

As I have documented below, the SPP "working groups" organized within the U.S. Department of Transportation are signing trilateral memoranda of understanding and other agreements with Mexico and Canada designed to accomplish the open borders goal incrementally, below the radar of mainstream media attention, thereby avoiding public scrutiny. Congress is largely unaware that SPP exists, let alone knowledgeable about the extensive work being done behind the scenes by the executive branch to advance the agenda articulated by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) to establish a North American Union as a new regional super-government by 2010...
Previously: "Sources: NAFTA superhighway is imaginary, tinfoil talk, don't worry, relax"


Hi, Liked your blog and enjoyed your comments. Since you a regular writer and commentator on Politics, I

This is an urgent call to all Americans. We are on the brink of a CIVIL WAR. The mainstream media has been suppressed. Please go to www.immigrationwatchdog.com and watch the "Paul Revere's Ride" video. Also, watch the "Atzlan" video. Please tell every American citizen you know so they can get prepared with food, water, arms, etc. God bless us and God bless America!!

Traitorous evil like this needs to hide, since, if the people found out ahead of time what was planned, their righteous wrath would burn through DC like a lev breach in New Orleans.