Quetzaoceloacina, Democratic Party positions indistinguishable

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There was an anti-illegal immigration protest in Santa Clara on Friday, which was counter-protested by "local La Raza representative Quetzaoceloacina" and a dozen of her friends:

"We are the indigenous people of this land. This is stolen land... You are the ones who are illegal aliens... They have the audacity to congregate on this day [May 5]... So it is our responsibility to come out here and protest against them because they represent racism, they represent white nationalism and they are the ones who've been checking our people as we cross the military border that has divided our nation... Our traditions, our culture, our diet, everything is throughout this continent... We've been traveling here for thousands and thousands of years and we've left all of our creativity here. And now they have the audacity to say we're illegal aliens? I don't think so."

According to the paper, Quetzaoceloacina believes that all immigrants should enjoy the same rights, whether they have papers or not.

All joking aside, just how much of a difference is there between her position and the effective position of the Democratic Party?


Quote: "Just remember that Mexico is part of the American continent so all Mexicans are American too. And don't forget the fact that Mexicans are the native from the southwest land in the u.s."

Equivocation. You cannot conflate the term "American" which is a conceit refering to citizens of the United States of America (because we are the only nation with the continent as part of the title of the nation) with residents of the Continent.

Your understanding of history mistaken. Technically, most residents of the Southwest from 1810 to 1836 where Mexicans. However the Southwest was sparesly populated by ethic Mexicans. Most were Indians or White Settles many of whom were illegal immigants into Mexico. Being Native in this case has nothing to with nationality as the Southwest was only Mexican for a mere 26 years.

Quote: "So, I believe there has been a great injustice with these poor undocumented population. Not all "illegals" are criminals, this misconception makes me so irritable."

They are not undocumented most have and use fake documents with is criminal i.e. breaks the law.

Section 1325 of Title 8 of the United States Code, subdivision (a), states as follows:

Any alien who (1) enters or attempts to enter the United States at any time or place other than as designated by immigration officers, or (2) eludes examination or inspection by immigration officers, or (3) attempts to enter or obtains entry to the United States by a willfully false or misleading representation or the willful concealment of a material fact, shall, for the first commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18 or imprisoned not more than 6 months, or both, and, for a subsequent commission of any such offense, be fined under title 18, or imprisoned not more than 2 years, or both.

If you violate that and do so repeatedly you are a criminal. Period.

Quote: "I don't like generalizations, I agree there are some criminal, just like there are criminals in every country."

Its not a generalization it is a fact. I'm sorry you don't like facts but you can't make me ignore simply because you don't like reality.

Quote: "I'm voting for a background check being done in all these people if you agree to leave the good people with good records here and give them their legal deserved residency."

You are not voting for any such thing are there not proposition anywhere suggesting that and furthermore residency isn't something that is deserved because you spit on a country's laws and seek in. That's like camping out in your neighbor's living and saying you deserve to because your ancestors once sold the house. Absurd.

Quote: "Most of these people come here to fulfill their American dream and in search of a good job to feed their families."

It is the American dream to live as a law-abiding citizen in a nation of laws. These certainly do not want to abide in according to the laws of our nation.

Quote: "It hearts me very greatly when I here my fellow Americans making racist remarks, specially, about the Mexican people."

There is nothing racist about calling criminal aliens criminals. It is racist to demand legal residency based on distant ancestry as you have done.

Quote: "I believe you all would feel the same way if we were making racist remarks about the people from your country of origin."

I do feel anger when racists like yourself make a Nazi-like blood and soil claim on sovereign American and deny that America is my country of origin.

Quote: "Because, you know that this country was made up of immigrants, even the ones being born here, are not real Americans because their ancestors were from a foreign country."

You are retarded.

Main Entry: im

Thank God! I thought Eleanor was never gonna stop with that crap!

Believe me, Eleanor Z., if the Minute Men had killed anyone, the main stream media would be all over the story immediately. They'd like nothing better. The minute men have a rule -- no long guns. It looks too military. Some of them do have sidearms for personal protection. It's a lonely desert out there are there are armed drug smugglers in the neighborhood -- you may have heard of them.


I'm and American citizen, born in the U.S. and my parents came to the u.s. legally, I'm of Mexican heritage and I'm very proud of my Mexican heritage. Just remember that Mexico is part of the American continent so all Mexicans are American too. And don't forget the fact that Mexicans are the native from the southwest land in the u.s. So, I believe there has been a great injustice with these poor undocumented population. Not all "illegals" are criminals, this misconception makes me so irritable. I don't like generalizations, I agree there are some criminal, just like there are criminals in every country. I'm voting for a background check being done in all these people if you agree to leave the good people with good records here and give them their legal deserved residency. Most of these people come here to fulfill their American dream and in search of a good job to feed their families. It hearts me very greatly when I here my fellow Americans making racist remarks, specially, about the Mexican people. I believe you all would feel the same way if we were making racist remarks about the people from your country of origin. Because, you know that this country was made up of immigrants, even the ones being born here, are not real Americans because their ancestors were from a foreign country. Let's not talk about 'Illegal", if you don't want to be reminded that California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Las Vegas" was taken from the Mexican people "illegally". And a lot of Mexicans were killed, abused and deported from their own land. I believe all Mexicans should be legal in this country since this was also their land and was taken from them. One thing I wouldn't like to happen is to return these lands to Mexico. Since I don't believe in the Mexican government, I love the Mexican people but not their government and I know most Mexicans don't believe in the corrupt government.

We should prosecute more seriously all cases of discriminations, you don't know how it affects people to be discriminated. I, myself, have suffered discrimination, being a u.s. citizen. Now, after all the boycott from the "undocumented immigrant" I feel the looks people give me. It makes me feel like if I were an "illegal immigrant". I, also feel, the criminals are the people killing the illegal coming across the country and they can easily get away from being prosecuted. Is that legal? no one has the right to take anyone's live? any one who kills with the intention to kill, is a criminal, an example of a criminal group is the "minute man". I can't believe the government is backing them up. Specially because these people are racist. I get so outraged at seeing, specially people that is of Mexican heritage against them.

The American people get so concerned about these illegals taking their jobs when they won't even do the low class jobs they do. They mostly do the jobs that the American people reject. I feel we should be more concerned of the millions of jobs being exported overseas, mainly to India. We, also should be more concerned of the terrorist people, to my surprise, I just found out that the Canadian border is well open and with very minor security. No wonder these terrorist are here in the U.S., for me the kind of security in that border is a joke. I'm not concerned of illegals taking the jobs I don't want to do. Now, it just makes me laugh at all the different excuses given now to deport these hard working people or "undocumented immigrant. We should respect them for being hard workers and thanks for their "cheap labor" we're able to pay reasonable prices for our goods. If these jobs would be done by the legal Americans then the prices of goods would go up because the salaries would have to increase because the American people won't work for not even the minimum salary.

Here in America, there's also corruption but not as bad as in Mexico. We should fight against corruption in all countries and help all countries improve their economy. I don't believe in the American government either because, the republicans' main focus is to help the rich and millionaire people get richer and the middle class and poor are the ones most affected and left behind. The democrats are too liberal, we should have something more moderate. I believe helping the working people improve their economic status and we should get away with social services, only should be provided for emergencies. I'm a single parent with two kids and have worked all my life, (24 yrs working). But I get so depressed because I work so hard, I don't get child support and I hardly make it to pay my bills. In order to pay my high rent I have to sacrifice my family and we can't even afford to have a decent place to live or a nice meal. A hard working person is not even able to qualify for any kind of help. Only the people on welfare are the ones qualifying for housing assistance programs, etc... I don't feel that is right, because they get everything free without working for it. I have not been able to fulfill the famous American dream. Because I think that has just become more of a myth than a reality.

I wish one day our government system will do their job and help the people in need and not the rich people who will not be affected if they have to pay more taxes, but if you increase the taxes on the middle class or the poor, we can be highly affected.

Thank you,



I'm and American citizen, born in the U.S. and my parents came to the u.s. legally, I'm of Mexican heritage and I'm very proud of my Mexican heritage. Just remember that Mexico is part of the American continent so all Mexicans are American too. And don't forget the fact that Mexicans are the native from the southwest land in the u.s. So, I believe there has been a great injustice with these poor undocumented population. Not all "illegals" are criminals, this misconception makes me so irritable. I don't like generalizations, I agree there are some criminal, just like there are criminals in every country. I'm voting for a background check being done in all these people if you agree to leave the good people with good records here and give them their legal deserved residency. Most of these people come here to fulfill their American dream and in search of a good job to feed their families. It hearts me very greatly when I here my fellow Americans making racist remarks, specially, about the Mexican people. I believe you all would feel the same way if we were making racist remarks about the people from your country of origin. Because, you know that this country was made up of immigrants, even the ones being born here, are not real Americans because their ancestors were from a foreign country. Let's not talk about 'Illegal", if you don't want to be reminded that California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Las Vegas" was taken from the Mexican people "illegally". And a lot of Mexicans were killed, abused and deported from their own land. I believe all Mexicans should be legal in this country since this was also their land and was taken from them. One thing I wouldn't like to happen is to return these lands to Mexico. Since I don't believe in the Mexican government, I love the Mexican people but not their government and I know most Mexicans don't believe in the corrupt government.

We should prosecute more seriously all cases of discriminations, you don't know how it affects people to be discriminated. I, myself, have suffered discrimination, being a u.s. citizen. Now, after all the boycott from the "undocumented immigrant" I feel the looks people give me. It makes me feel like if I were an "illegal immigrant". I, also feel, the criminals are the people killing the illegal coming across the country and they can easily get away from being prosecuted. Is that legal? no one has the right to take anyone's live? any one who kills with the intention to kill, is a criminal, an example of a criminal group is the "minute man". I can't believe the government is backing them up. Specially because these people are racist. I get so outraged at seeing, specially people that is of Mexican heritage against them.

The American people get so concerned about these illegals taking their jobs when they won't even do the low class jobs they do. They mostly do the jobs that the American people reject. I feel we should be more concerned of the millions of jobs being exported overseas, mainly to India. We, also should be more concerned of the terrorist people, to my surprise, I just found out that the Canadian border is well open and with very minor security. No wonder these terrorist are here in the U.S., for me the kind of security in that border is a joke. I'm not concerned of illegals taking the jobs I don't want to do. Now, it just makes me laugh at all the different excuses given now to deport these hard working people or "undocumented immigrant. We should respect them for being hard workers and thanks for their "cheap labor" we're able to pay reasonable prices for our goods. If these jobs would be done by the legal Americans then the prices of goods would go up because the salaries would have to increase because the American people won't work for not even the minimum salary.

Here in America, there's also corruption but not as bad as in Mexico. We should fight against corruption in all countries and help all countries improve their economy. I don't believe in the American government either because, the republicans' main focus is to help the rich and millionaire people get richer and the middle class and poor are the ones most affected and left behind. The democrats are too liberal, we should have something more moderate. I believe helping the working people improve their economic status and we should get away with social services, only should be provided for emergencies. I'm a single parent with two kids and have worked all my life, (24 yrs working). But I get so depressed because I work so hard, I don't get child support and I hardly make it to pay my bills. In order to pay my high rent I have to sacrifice my family and we can't even afford to have a decent place to live or a nice meal. A hard working person is not even able to qualify for any kind of help. Only the people on welfare are the ones qualifying for housing assistance programs, etc... I don't feel that is right, because they get everything free without working for it. I have not been able to fulfill the famous American dream. Because I think that has just become more of a myth than a reality.

I wish one day our government system will do their job and help the people in need and not the rich people who will not be affected if they have to pay more taxes, but if you increase the taxes on the middle class or the poor, we can be highly affected.

Thank you,


I don't know what this piece has to do with the Democratic party. The Republicans now have all the power in the government, including the Presidency. And I do not see them securing the border, deporting illegal aliens and busting businesses that hire them. And we all know that Bush is the illegal's biggest advocate. As to the Democratic elites they do not necessarily speak for the average Democrat out in the country. Just as the Republican elites do not necessarily speak for the average Republican out in the country. As to this woman activist, she conveniently holds this postition as to not admit to people being in this country illegally, so they make up a myth that they like. As you will notice their only concern is La Raza, the race. I don't think they care about any other race or minority group as all they ever talk about it protecting the rights of their own people.

the position of the so called democratic party is it hate all of the real people of this nation, it hates the USA, And loves one thing "power", its hates all things it can't corrupt. the political non ideals of the La Raza people is "Hate" the name La Raza means the race!
and that tell you all you need to know, it is racism in a full run at your life, it is the brown KKK, And it wants you dead, by the way no mexican has any rights inside the usa, look at the real history of the real so called indigenous people most were against mexico from 1824 to 1848.