Los Angeles Times, Joe Hicks on student protests
Posted Sat, Apr 1, 2006 at 2:51 am
The Los Angeles Times gives some background on the recent pro-illegal immigration student protests (one of which featured the Mexican flag flying over an upside-down American flag) in "Student Protests Echo the '60s, but With a High-Tech Buzz".
You can practically smell the patchouli as the aging hippies at the Times celebrate the youthful activists fighting the power, man. It's all like one big party.
Never mentioned is how many of those involved are actually foreign citizens, nor do they cover the culture of entitlement, nor do they cover the propriety of promoting what is in reality a show of racial solidarity and power.
To fill in some of the gaps, now comes community activist Joe Hicks:
You can practically smell the patchouli as the aging hippies at the Times celebrate the youthful activists fighting the power, man. It's all like one big party.
Never mentioned is how many of those involved are actually foreign citizens, nor do they cover the culture of entitlement, nor do they cover the propriety of promoting what is in reality a show of racial solidarity and power.
To fill in some of the gaps, now comes community activist Joe Hicks:
...many Latino immigrant-rights organizers and their sympathizers seem to be saying that there is some inherent right being expressed when people sneak into the country, thumb their noses at the law and make fools out of those who wait patiently in foreign lands for visas to come to the United States.Why couldn't the L.A. Times have said the same thing? Perhaps someone at the LAT should try and find out.
It is quite clear that many of those participating in the demonstrations have adopted the stance of the beleaguered victim, perceiving frustration about illegal immigration as racism. Some comments have been painfully ignorant. One protester said: "I'm here to make sure that Mexicans get their freedom, their rights."
During the student protests, the American flag was only occasionally on display, while the Mexican flag was omnipresent. A student said he was waving the latter in support of La Raza (the race), while another asked why illegal immigrants were "treated like criminals." Perhaps he wasn't aware that crossing the U.S. border without the required visa is now, and always has been, against the law.
The participation of students, some as young as 13 and 14, is especially troubling given that all too many seemed clueless about the issues. Perhaps more puzzling is that some of the student walkouts took place on a day honoring the memory of Cesar Chavez. The great Chicano labor organizer held a march in 1969 from the Coachella and Imperial valleys to the Mexican border. Chavez and the United Farm Workers were protesting the use of illegal immigrants as strikebreakers. Further, Chavez believed that illegal immigration was antithetical to the wage interests of the migrant workers he represented...
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Mon, 04/03/2006 - 06:03
We may have to await for the Sixties generation to die off for a saner zeitgeist to emerge.
The 68'ers(to use the common European term) are the Cultural Leftists at the helm of the government-media-academic brainwashing machine. Many were not leftists back then but over the years they seem to have internalized much of the worldview of the revolutionaries of that time. Whenever these types(whether neocon or open Marxists) see a group of whites who are promoting a non-multicultist agenda images of Nazism, Kluxery, lynchings, etc. dance in their heads. Their brains and emotions are frozen in the pre-Civil Rights era.
The examples of this mindset at work are too numerous to mention but recall, for example, when Bill Bennett and Jack Kemp played the race card in the best leftist fashion in their assault on the supporters of Prop 187 in 1994. Similarly, when GWB heard of the Minuteman Project his knee-jerk reaction was to denounce them as "vigilantes".
eh (not verified)
Mon, 04/03/2006 - 03:55
"clueless about the issues"
But they're 'clueful' about the fact that most illegals are racially/ethnically like them, wouldn't you say? Weren't the vast, vast majority of the marching students Hispanic? Do you think they all would've been there if most illegals were white?
In comparison, the lack of anything approaching a complementary solidarity among Whites is stark. Of course any such thing is a big, big taboo in the current political culture; this site is blocked at my work, but not this one.
Self identification among non-whites is the legitimate pursuit of self-interest. Practiced by Whites it is "hate".
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 04/01/2006 - 23:05
are you joking? only one issue, will we as a people be here in 20 years, the mexican government has said no way our government is working head to find away to kill us! with the help of mass foreign born help.
the issue is death over life and if you can't see that you will someday be killed with the help of the rats in washington. fight or die no other way.
I shit on mexico and its evil drug flag.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sat, 04/01/2006 - 17:48
its over with, this nation will become mexico.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Sat, 04/01/2006 - 05:15
Some nice turns of phrase from Diana West at the Washington Times:
(...)the infantilizing orthodoxy of good (nice) and bad (mean) that has stunted debate on immigration, forcing it into a political fetal position moved by the odd emotional spasm. (Courageous Rep. Tom Tancredo, Colorado Republican, is the leading grownup exception to this rule.)
But now the debate