Bush plans to enforce borders after gets "guest" worker program
Here's a recent comment from president Bush:
"Our government must enforce our borders; we've got plans in place to do so... But part of enforcing our borders is to have a guest worker program that encourages people to register their presence and says to them, 'If you're doing a job an American won't do, you're welcome here for a period of time to do that job.'"
He's had over five years to "enforce our borders", and he's clearly failed to do so. Now, we're informed that there are "plans" to finally do it, five years later.
And, the implicit threat is that the only way he'll "enforce our borders" is if he gets his "guest worker program".
Hasn't Bush admitted that he's not doing the job he swore he would do and that he won't do it unless he gets legislation he wants?
As pointed out many times before, the "period of time" Bush refers to is more commonly called "forever". Those that Bush refers to as "guests" will have U.S. citizen children and those same groups that now tell us that we have to legalize our current illegal aliens will tell us we need to legalize those "guests" who refuse to leave.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Tue, 03/28/2006 - 04:16
The Vdare blog states that a massive amnesty is now a certainty after the actions of the Senate. It's too late for Tancredo, the Congress is getting ready to sign America's death warrant. Now you have two choices: give up or plan armed resistance. If the latter be very careful who you talk to.
AnonymousDrivel (not verified)
Mon, 03/27/2006 - 20:52
RE: Lonewacko,
Not only has Bush had an eternity to do something, he had the most compelling rationale to do it, namely 9/11. That we are still debating illegal immigration and border security 5+ years removed approaches an impeachable offense. Granted, he's had lots of help from Congress, but geez, he is the head of the branch responsible for enforcing the law and defending the nation.
Agreed, Tennessee Conservative.
I'll be writing Tancredo's name for something in '08. Whether it's for President or Vice-President remains to be seen as is his outright candidacy. I like Gingrich and he may be tossing his hat in the ring at some point. Either way, Tancredo gets this disgruntled "conservative's" vote.
Tennessee Conse... (not verified)
Sun, 03/26/2006 - 08:23
I meant to say "is the only" in the first sentence of the firs paragraph of my previous post.
Tennessee Conse... (not verified)
Sun, 03/26/2006 - 08:21
Cong. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.) is only serious potential 2008 presidential candidate who is committed to securing this nation's borders.
Please vote for Cong. Tancredo in an online GOP presidential straw poll called "Presidenial March Madness 2006" that can be located by using the following link: http://www.surveysaintlouis.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=22&Itemid=44.
LomaAlta (not verified)
Sat, 03/25/2006 - 15:53
Bush, Kennedy, Clinton, McCain, Specter and their like are sowing the seeds of the final chapter of America. Citizenship and voting rights to 20 million criminal aliens will mean the end of our 2 party system. Almost all criminals vote Dem and so will our new citizens. Goodbye 2 party system. Goodbye representative democracy, and goodbye freedom.
D Flinchum (not verified)
Sat, 03/25/2006 - 04:14
This amnesty-first, enforcement-later approach is what we got in the 1986 amnesty. We were told that the amnesty was a one time only event, tough enforcement would follow, and the illegal alien situation would be thereby solved. Unless real enforcement is enacted, illegal immigration will not only continue but increase since they will naturally expect yet another amnesty down the road.
perroazul el norte (not verified)
Fri, 03/24/2006 - 13:29
"Our government must enforce our borders; we've got plans in place to do so... But part of enforcing our borders is to have a guest worker program that encourages people to register their presence and says to them, 'If you're doing a job an American won't do, you're welcome here for a period of time to do that job.'"
What is the necessary connection between a "guestworker"(i.e. amnesty) program and border enforcement? I'm sure at some point in his education Bush learned the meaning of a non sequitur, but the drink and drugs must have erased much of his memory.