Mexican consulate coming to Little Rock
Posted Mon, Feb 27, 2006 at 1:18 am · short link
Mexico has more consulates in the U.S. than any other country, and since exporting illegal aliens to the U.S. is a growing business they keep building more. The latest will be coming to Little Rock, Arkansas. Jake Beckwith of the Texarkana Gazette offers fawning coverage and transcribes some of the remarks of the Dallas consul.
Previous examples of puff pieces about Mexican consuls visiting small towns were featured here.
It's at least a little odd that I haven't seen any articles discussing such visits have featured reporters doing real reporting rather than acting as transcriptionists. Do they somehow think these consuls are paying friendly visits? Are they completely ignorant of the threat posed by a neighboring country sending us millions of their people? Or, is there something else involved?
Perhaps they're just part of the local power structure:
New Americans welcomed to Iowa, Arkansas
"Texas has been conquered by Hispanics"
"[AR Gov.] Huckabee plan would give aid to illegal aliens"
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Previous examples of puff pieces about Mexican consuls visiting small towns were featured here.
It's at least a little odd that I haven't seen any articles discussing such visits have featured reporters doing real reporting rather than acting as transcriptionists. Do they somehow think these consuls are paying friendly visits? Are they completely ignorant of the threat posed by a neighboring country sending us millions of their people? Or, is there something else involved?
Perhaps they're just part of the local power structure:
Texarkana, Ark., Mayor Horace Shipp opened the press conference by welcoming Zepeda to the city.Previously:
"The consul general is a very important part of our nation in that it is the official headquarters for representation of Mexico. It plays an important role in matters mutual to the two countries," he said.
New Americans welcomed to Iowa, Arkansas
"Texas has been conquered by Hispanics"
"[AR Gov.] Huckabee plan would give aid to illegal aliens"
calypso catteraugus (not verified)
Wed, 03/01/2006 - 12:39
"We respect, strongly, the rule of law in the United States."
ah, the irony.....what an f'ing liar!!! i think what he meant is, "we respect, strongly, the money and free social services of the united states."
as one of latin heritage, i would like to see mexico invest in their own infrastructure rather than dotting the landscape with mexican consulates. maybe then people would want to stay there.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Mon, 02/27/2006 - 16:18
An odd passage from the Texarkana Gazette article:
On a somber note, he also fielded a question about Mexico
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Mon, 02/27/2006 - 16:03
Texarkana, Ark., Mayor Horace Shipp opened the press conference by welcoming Zepeda to the city.
"The consul general is a very important part of our nation in that it is the official headquarters for representation of Mexico. It plays an important role in matters mutual to the two countries," he said
The yokel mayor of Texarkana is no doubt awed by his brush with "international diplomacy".
eh (not verified)
Mon, 02/27/2006 - 07:46
This isn't the worst news; the bad and even worse news is that there are already enough Mexicans in Arkansas to warrant it.