Did Dick Cheney shoot Whittington at dusk... or earlier?

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From the LAT:
...The party of 11 hunters set out in two trucks Saturday morning, driving around the mesquite-dotted property and shooting quail until about 12:30 p.m., said Anne Armstrong, co-owner of the ranch. Then they broke for a lunch of antelope, jicama salad and camp bread, washed down with Dr. Pepper.

After lunch, the group split up. Cheney, Whittington and Pamela Pitzer Willeford, U.S. ambassador to Switzerland, went with two of Armstrong's daughters and pursued quail for several more hours. It was at dusk that Whittington shot a bird and went to retrieve it, taking him behind the vice president.

The medical team that travels with Cheney immediately began ministering to Whittington, who was bleeding profusely from wounds to his face, neck and chest, witnesses said. They packed Whittington into Cheney's ambulance and drove him to a hospital...
Now, see the second page of the official Texas preliminary report, specifically 'lighting' in section VI. It has a checkbox for 'Dusk', but that's not checked. Instead, 'Sunny' is checked.

Note also the enumeration of the items they had at lunch. If I wanted to stress that no one was drinking - especially if they were - I'd say they were drinking something like... well, in Texas you drink Dr. Pepper, don't you? Then, I'd hide that mention of what they were drinking in a full menu...

And, from a less-than-credible and very far-left source comes this:
WMR has learned that this incident is not the first involving Cheney and hunting accidents. According to informed sources on Maryland’s Eastern Shore, two years ago Cheney was shooting at ducks from a duck blind in Trappe, a Maryland Eastern shore town where former Secretary of State James Baker III maintains a residence. The sources reveal that Cheney nearly accidentally shot half of his hunting party and Secret Service detail. Eyewitnesses to the Maryland duck hunting incident claim that Cheney is "trigger happy" and a "maniac with a gun."
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"maniac with a gun"

Oh yeah?

It is simply not credible that no one in that party was drinking. I just don't buy it. Something is not right here.

Why else would they have to tuck Cheney away until the next day?