Virginia: Gov. Tim Kaine opposes state troopers enforcing immigration laws (287g)
Posted Tue, Aug 28, 2007 at 10:26 am
From this:
And, recall this absolutely idiotic Tim Kaine quote:
Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine does not want to create a statewide partnership with federal immigration officials that would allow state agencies to identify illegal aliens and begin deportation procedures, despite calls from the state's attorney general [Republican Robert F. McDonnell] and anti-illegal-immigration groups [such as Help Save Virginia].Some state agencies already do some degree of reporting. Recall that two 9/11 hijackers got Virginia driver's licenses, there was at least one case of fraud at the Virginia DMV.
"The governor does not object to localities choosing to enter into localized agreements with [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement]," said Kevin Hall, Mr. Kaine's spokesman. "He has concerns, however, about asking state troopers to assume primary enforcement of federal immigration responsibilities."
And, recall this absolutely idiotic Tim Kaine quote:
"I don't believe immigration is one of the top issues in Virginia if you ask Virginians... It does matter to a number of people, but compared to jobs, education, health care, transportation, it's pretty far down."
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2007 - 20:33
HS 12053 2007-08-28T22:33:23-05:00
The People must make the "ruler" Virginia do the People's Will by law or by rope, its about living in a world of laws and right and wrong or living in some third world hell by the third world Gun, ask what can I do to stop evil from murdering me??? Think Justice, Think Right, Think Laws.
D Flinchum (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2007 - 20:41
HS 12054 2007-08-28T22:41:50-05:00
" compared to jobs, education, health care, transportation, it's pretty far down." And, of course, as we all know, immigration has NOTHING whatsoever to do with jobs, education, health care, transportation. Duh!
mary (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2007 - 22:10
HS 12055 2007-08-29T00:10:23-05:0
I was thinking the same thing!!! hahahhaha....people are upset BECAUSE these illegals impact jobs, more jobs, education, health care, and transportation. In fact Illegal immigration impacts almost everything in this country. How do these nitwits get elected??
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2007 - 22:28
HS 12056 2007-08-29T00:28:38-05:00
Jobs etc are impacted by immigration? Heaven forfend. Nobody should have such politically incorrect thoughts. What are you, haters?
D Flinchum (not verified)
Tue, 08/28/2007 - 23:22
HS 12057 2007-08-29T01:22:32-05:00
No, Tanstaafl, THINKERS ;o)
mary (not verified)
Wed, 08/29/2007 - 00:39
HS 12058 2007-08-29T02:39:12-05:0
If we weren't haters, we will soon become haters....of Treasonous POLS!!!