Harry Reid revives Senate amnesty bill; "clay pigeon"
Posted Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 8:20 pm · short link
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Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid introduced an updated immigration bill Monday, launching one more attempt to conclude debate on the contentious issue and approve the measure in the Senate before Congress breaks for the 4th of July holiday.
...Revived as new legislation, the redrafted immigration bill reflects the substance of the 14 Democratic and 13 Republican amendments approved during the first two weeks of Senate debate, including a phaseout of the temporary guest worker program.
The new bill also includes a proposal by Sens. Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) to establish a $4.4 billion fund, paid for by fees and fines collected from undocumented immigrants, exclusively for financing border security.
...Though senators and advocates supporting reform are being careful to avoid calling any measure a "poison pill," the list appears to be problematic enough that Senate leaders are at least considering employing the rare tactic of packaging amendments to avoid losing critical support and votes.
Under the procedure, Reid would introduce a single, 22-part amendment, divisible into component parts for debate. Known as a "clay pigeon," it would offer the bill's supporters a means of staging the debate more or less free from interference, with the objective of keeping enough senators together to maintain the 60 votes needed to thwart a filibuster.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 04:40
HS 11387 e10k@hotmail.com 2007-06-19T06:40:14-05:00
Whatever the hell all of that means.
Patrick (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 05:32
HS 11388 2007-06-19T07:32:53-05:00
Jed Babbin lays down the gauntlet and issues a clarion call - "Kill (their immigration) Bill": "We are at an important moment in the history of our nation, one that will be analyzed for hundreds of years to come. It is a moment when conservatives can falter, worn out from the fight, or reach down into our collective character and find the strength to keep up the fight now and in months and years to come." - Jed Babbin I believe the real conservatives in this country are becoming more united than we have been in a long time, as we find ourselves all in this fight against the largest illegal immigrant amnesty ever. We are now fighting on common and secure ground of rock-solid conservative principles: * We are defending American sovereignty and our right to decide who crosses our borders * We are fighting to defend law and order, both in the immigration laws itself and in general * We are fighting to stop the pillaging of taxpayers, the expansion of our welfare state, the undermining of working Americans, and the degradation and corruption of our Government * We are fighting to defend American heritage, culture, language and unity against the multi-culturalist ideologues and the enemies of American exceptionalism The one thing we conservative need now is ... a victory. If it is at the hands of the grassroots, even as a negative 'victory' that stops a bad idea for a season, how sweet that will be. For it will confirm another key conservative principle - the strength of a free nation is in its citizens, not its leaders. It's up to us to make our own corrupted weak leaders do the right thing.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 05:33
HS 11389 dawes57@cox.net 2007-06-19T07:33:17-05:00
The pig hates this nation! ask why after all he makes a hell of alot of money selling us out. do you want to know more? see Alex Jones listen to savage nation.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 05:36
HS 11390 dawes57@cox.net 2007-06-19T07:36:05-05:00
Well said patrick, But I think we will be fighting for real soon against a totally insane Government of third world rulers inside this nation, who now own it.
Rod Stanton (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 10:44
HS 11391 rod_992@MSN.com 2007-06-19T12:44:59-05:00
In 6 years GWB has moved the GOP to the left of the Democrats! If anyone can not understand why all 22 Reagan men elected in 06 were Democrates GWB, Lott and Lindsey are showing you as clear as it can be. The GOP is now the liberal party of America. Conservatives (those few that exist) are Democrats.
Patrick (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 18:27
HS 11392 2007-06-19T20:27:55-05:00
"In 6 years GWB has moved the GOP to the left of the Democrats! If anyone can not understand why all 22 Reagan men elected in 06 were Democrates GWB, Lott and Lindsey are showing you as clear as it can be. The GOP is now the liberal party of America. Conservatives (those few that exist) are Democrats." Sorry, but nobody can outleft the Democrats, and 80% of the Democrats in the Senate sold out the country on this bill. the Democrat politicians see the future banana-plantation-and-welfare-state America and welcome it, cause they get to be running things. we now have the the Stupid Party (GOP) and Evil Party (Dem) and we are told bad things will happen if we vote for the wrong one ... Yup, bad things will happen.
Founding Father (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 21:39
HS 11393 2007-06-19T23:39:55-05:00
It is time for the people to take back this country from the ruling dictators who pass laws the people oppose. I suggest a tax strike in 2007. No one pays taxes or files a federal tax return. If many do not file, the burecrats will fall. "No illegal welfare taxation without the people's representation". Let's go!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 06/19/2007 - 20:49
HS 11394 dawes57@cox.net 2007-06-19T22:49:52-05:00
PATRICK IS RIGHT.Real bad things will happen and I hope soon before this Nation becomes Mexico and totally lost to freedom and the Ideals of laws with duty and justice.
Winghunter (not verified)
Wed, 06/20/2007 - 01:38
HS 11395 winghunter@adelphia.net 2007-06-20T03:38:05-05:00
Concentrating on one thing at a time, at the right time, is paramount to succeeding. We delayed the shamnesty bill, we have not yet defeated it. Let's work and think of nothing else until it is truly gone. Contacting our representatives, ALL of them, is necessary and FREE thanks to La Raza; MEXICAN AMNESTY AND OPEN BORDERS ACTIVISTS HAVE A DIRECT LINE TO OUR TREASONOUS SENATORS!!!!! FILL THESE VOICEMAILS WITH ENGLISH INSTEAD OF SPANISH. For those of you having difficulty getting thru to your senator, here is the 800 # paid for by the Mexican Amnesty and Open Borders Activists: 800-882-2005 This will get you directly to your senator unlike the #Â’s available to the US Citizen. Press 1 when you hear a Spanish message, then Press 1 again to be transferred to your Senior SenatorÂ’s office OR Press 2 when you hear a Spanish message, and youÂ’ll be transferred to your Junior SenatorÂ’s office. It only takes a minute and you get through immediately. The call is paid for by the open-borders and amnesty supporters. WE NEED TO FILL THESE SENATORS VOICE MAILS WITH ENGLISH MESSAGES INSTEAD OF ALLOWING THEM TO BE FILLED WITH SPANISH. SPREAD THE WORD AND CALL NOW BEFORE ITS TO LATE! 1-800-882-2005 If this number no longer works or you feel our way of life is important enough to follow up with a free fax or email use; Numbers USA FREE Fax and Email! ( Senators AND the President ) http://www.numbersusa.com/actionbuffet Spread this everywhere you go and encourage people to write or speak very briefly what an intelligent bill SHOULD do and not simply, "the bill sucks!" Our party will not survive a 60% increase of our entire country's population by unskilled laborers looking for hand-outs from the Liberal fools who have calculated this outcome.
Brad T. (not verified)
Thu, 06/21/2007 - 02:26
HS 11396 BT4231@gmail.com 2007-06-21T04:26:22-05:00
This issue is crazy!!! When did DC go completely nuts? They've always been out of touch, but this???? I have a buddy who got so upset with the "leaders" in DC - and with their arrogance on the amnesty issue, despite the outcry from the American public - that he created his own web site with magnets and bumper stickers. He has some good stuff up there. Folks should check it out: www.bordersealers.com Keep up the fight to protect America! No Amnesty!