Citizen video: "McCain: Can't Explain Why We Didn't Build The Fence"
Posted Sun, Jun 10, 2007 at 8:55 am
For a while now, I've been urging people to go to campaign appearances and ask candidates tough questions and then promote their answers. In the following citizen video (transcript), John McCain is asked why the border fence hasn't been built yet... and he doesn't have an answer. While I would prefer asking candidates questions about their past statements and actions in order to help reveal them to be liars, this is a good start:
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Sun, 06/10/2007 - 17:43
HS 11284 2007-06-10T19:43:25-05:00
McCain is our enemy, he must really hate our nation maybe He Is Insane? the fact is if mass race/political Amnesty, "Come's By The Back Door", We Will Fight this Corruption of the Ideals of this Nation. But most of you will say yes just to keep what you have for a little more time! but the end game of guy's like McCain is to make you into a third world person, keep following people like McCain he will show you the way to Mexico.
mary (not verified)
Sun, 06/10/2007 - 22:54
HS 11285 2007-06-11T00:54:16-05:0
Today regarding immigration he said to george Steohananoupolus..."I am doing the job Arizonians want me to do" I imagine most of the people of Arizona were SCREAMING at their TVs at that comment.The man is a corrupt, ego driven lunatic. Thankfully re his campaign , HE is TOAST!
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Tue, 06/12/2007 - 06:02
HS 11286 2007-06-12T08:02:48-05:00
I hope so Mary!
kristof (not verified)
Wed, 06/13/2007 - 11:23
HS 11287 2007-06-13T13:23:58-05:00
question to McCain: Mr.McCain, you were a strong supporter of the Israelis' fence. Why are you such an opponent of building a fence on our borders to protect ourselves from all the mexican criminals, the drugs dealers and the human smugglers ? In your own state of Arizona lots of murders and other violent crimes have been committed by illegal aliens, aren't you worried about that ? McCain: Fence is important to Israel's security