Moira Herbst/Business Week: local enforcement of immigration laws is "ugly"

Moira Herbst of Business Week - a magazine that's promoted profiting from illegal activity - offers "The Immigration Fight Gets Ugly" and, yes, it's terrible. She only offers one example of that "ugly", and it's not a good example since it's just an allegation:

Atlantic Scaffolding, which employs nearly 400 at a Pascagoula (Miss.)-based Chevron (CVX) refinery, has let go at least eight workers this month. The company says some workers were laid off for economic reasons, and others may have been terminated for just cause. But at least three of the workers have filed complaints with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, alleging they lost their jobs because of their Latino ethnicity. The workers say although they are legally eligible to work, they were fired on July 2, following the July 1 implementation of a Mississippi state law cracking down on undocumented workers and their employers... Brandon Munn, a spokesman for Atlantic Scaffolding, denies the workers were let go in reaction to the law taking effect. Chevron declined to comment on the allegations against the contractor.

In addition to approvingly quoting Frank Sharry, she approvingly quotes "Bill Chandler, executive director of the Jackson (Miss.)-based Mississippi Immigrants' Rights Alliance (MIRA)" (, who - needless to say - paints a dire picture. MIRA (not to be confused with the more famous group in Massachusetts) is a coalition of labor and other groups (Laborers International Union, NAACP, Bricklayers International Union, etc.) Their homepage solicits those who have "suffered discrimination from S2988" to contact them. They link to the SPLC in their sidebar, but discovering whether they have more tangible links to that or other questionable groups isn't known. Their board president is state Representative Jim Evans, also with the AFL-CIO and the SCLC.

The article also serves as yet another example of corrupt business interests joining with corrupt far-lefties in opposition to what the majority of Americans favor.


That's great. Unions working against the best interestes of the members. What else is new?