Spitzer supporter: "You made me make a fool out of myself" (details on his switch)
Posted Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 7:21 pm
This article (link) provides the insider details on how and why Eliot Spitzer "caved" and decided to only give a limited driver's license to illegal aliens. A taste:
To try to smooth some of the anger, Mr. Spitzer invited [State Senator Ruben Diaz Sr.] and a half-dozen other lawmakers, most of them Hispanic and defenders of the original plan, to an Upper East Side diner on Sunday morning to explain his decision.
Feelings were frayed, and the meeting grew emotional. At one point, Mr. Spitzer asked Mr. Diaz to lower his voice because they were in a public place.
"You made me make a fool out of myself," Mr. Diaz told the governor...
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 06:11
HS 12906 admin@upolitix.com 2007-10-31T08:11:50-05:00
"You could get me killed," Mr Spitzer told the ungrateful ethnocentrist.
Mary (not verified)
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 15:43
HS 12907 maryellenburke2005@comcast.net 2007-10-31T17:43:13-05:0
I have a feeling Diaz needs no help in making a fool of himself.
llamajockey (not verified)
Wed, 10/31/2007 - 20:22
HS 12908 cvlamantia@comcast.net 2007-10-31T22:22:41-05:00
Like I keep saying in the current political climate it is now impossible for mainstream politicians of either party to deliver on decades of previous ethnocentric group pandering. Now watch for the next step in the political meltdown. Ethnic Hispanic politicians, non-hispanic(ie black) politicians in now largely hispanic districts and the major ethnocentric groups that have been feeding at the public and corporate funding trough will be under lots of pressure to step up their rhetoric and go public with now impossible ultimatums. Mainstream politicians will be forced to make an impossible choice between open revolt by hispanic radicals and loosing the support of the majority of the electorate. I think unless establish Open Borders groups like La Raza, LULAC, MALDEF, the ALCU either deliver a major victory or the entire Open Borders movement will be taken over by the far more radical left wing and irredentist groups. By next summer when the MEChA and ANSWER loons take to the street in Denver if not across the country the Open Borders movement backlash will be unstoppable. By then Immigration Restrictionism will no longer be a "politically incorrect" position.
Tanstaafl (not verified)
Thu, 11/01/2007 - 05:15
HS 12909 admin@upolitix.com 2007-11-01T07:15:00-05:00
_By then Immigration Restrictionism will no longer be a "politically incorrect" position._ Correct. It will be a "hate" crime, punishable by death.