Joshua Holland of Alternet: "I don't care" about illegal aliens taking stimulus jobs

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The latest trend in the illegal immigration-supporting community is to try to attack the month-old Heritage Foundation report (and one from the Center for Immigration Studies) claiming that 300,000 jobs from the stimulus plan will go to illegal aliens. None of them have actually claimed that no jobs will go to illegal aliens; they just try to pretend that they've "debunked" the studies by raising issues with the exact number of jobs.

So it is with Joshua Holland of Alternet [1]. After calling names and raising issues with the 300,000 number, he shows his regard for the American worker. About the possibility that illegal aliens will get jobs under the bill, he says:

Here's the thing: I don't care, and neither should you. Because the whole argument obscures the larger issue. Regardless of the merits of CIS's "estimate," there is no doubt that if we create a bunch of new jobs -- especially in construction -- unauthorized workers will get some of them. After all, they make up about 4-5 percent of the American workforce. And that's fine, because stimulus spending is not just about creating jobs... It's about stimulating demand -- "stimulus" -- by putting dollars into working people's pockets that they can go out and spend in the economy, and a worker's legal status has nothing to do with the goods and services he or she purchases with those dollars.

Every stimulus job that goes to an illegal alien is one that was taken away from a U.S. citizen. Joshua Holland is turning his back on his fellow citizens in order to help foreign citizens who are here illegally. Unemployed U.S. citizen construction workers - including those who are struggling to purchase goods and services - should let all their friends know which side Alternet is on.

Holland then shows a keen lack of self-awareness:

the real agenda of many of the politicians who oppose comprehensive reform [is to] to maintain a population of extraordinarily vulnerable workers rather than creating a process to bring them out of the shadows.

That claim is beyond ludicrous and shows that you can't trust Joshua Holland. Those who support immigration enforcement - such as in order to achieve attrition - want to reduce the numbers of "extraordinarily vulnerable workers" in the U.S. It's those like Holland who have continually supported massive illegal immigration who have enabled the current situation. Holland and Alternet will continue to support massive illegal immigration after "reform", and even if millions of illegal aliens were legalized they'd do their best to help the current situation form anew.



How stupid is this guy? And I might ask the same thing about the American people in general, I'm sorry to say. _...because stimulus spending is not just about creating jobs... It's about stimulating demand -- "stimulus" -- by putting dollars into working people's pockets that they can go out and spend in the economy,..._ How can more debt really do anything meaningful to 'put dollars into people's pockets'? Google up a mortgage calculator. Enter, say, a loan of $200k, at 6% for 30 years. What is the total interest paid? IT\'S MORE THAN TWICE THE PRINCIPAL. So in the long run debt actually sucks money out of the economy. The problem is that America does not produce enough wealth. It has not done so for years. Instead the über-consumption in general that we saw in the last years -- including most famously right now that frenzy of homebuying -- has been financed via debt, including borrowing heavily from foreigners; this is why FNM and FRE had to be bailed out -- if we stiffed foreigners on all of the FNM and FRE debt they'd bought they'd be a lot less likely to buy Treasury's debt/to finance the federal deficit. Other than that, regarding his views on illegals this guy is totally mainstream -- Congress itself voted this way when they effectively killed E-Verify. Just another stupid fuck who'd watch the country be demographically destroyed before he'd risk appearing politically incorrect.

Important correction: Instead of IT\'S MORE THAN TWICE THE PRINCIPAL. it should be IT\'S MORE THAN THE PRINCIPAL. The total of all payments, including both principal and interest, is more than twice the principal. But the interest alone is not twice the principal.

"Joshua Holland is turning his back on his fellow citizens in order to help foreign citizens who are here illegally." So true. This guy needs to have his teeth removed with a fist.

Hey Petty...we are getting real close to your advice.......Patience wearing very ,very thin.

"a worker's legal status has nothing to do with the goods and services he or she purchases with those dollars." Appallingly stupid. Where has this idiot been the last 10 years? It has a great deal to do with how that money is spent. What using BORROWED money to create jobs that then go to illegal aliens does in part is to use borrowed money to send money out of the US to the illegal aliens' countries. Not only should this money not go to illegal aliens, to the degree possible, it should go to US-based companies. I realize that we can't go back and completely re-industrialize in the next several months; but where there is a choice, it should go to goods and services produced here. If the WTO yells, it yells. If your Visa card were almost maxed out, would you put $1,000 on it as a contribution to Save-a-Child Foundation for a child in Zimbabwe? Me either.....

APPALLINGLY STUPID. WHERE HAS THIS IDIOT BEEN THE LAST 10 YEARS? Answer: He went at an elite school on Mommy and Daddy's dime to study journalism, smoke bongs and read Howard Zinn. Mostly though, the latter two.

I tell ya...I am losing it....I called Kerrys office today..(alas the two K'Os are my Senators..Kerry and Kennedy, both equally useless.) I told his aid that I was outraged that he saw fit to let illegal invaders get stimulus jobs meant for Americans. I also said not all of us can marry rich widows to live on....she was insulted for these BUMS never even hear the wrath of their constituents. Instead they pass it to lowly interns who have been indoctrinated to their own useless agenda. I am sick and tired of these crooks destroying my country!After calling for three years about something that is common sense and a No Brainer we are ignored and we are still supposed to be polite when we call???!!! I don't think I can maintain decorum with these useless corruptocrats anymore!