San Francisco city ID card helps illegal aliens find work, banks profit from illegally-earned money
Posted Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 2:38 pm · short link
From this:
And, if you're an illegal alien who wants to find work, San Francisco has some good news for you. From their "SF City ID Card - Business Participation" page (
In other words, the city of San Francisco is facilitating companies hiring illegal aliens.
Note also the list of benefits at, including this:
UPDATE: For those not familiar with the area, Daly City is directly south of Frisco; perhaps residents of that city could protest SF's xenophobia and express their displeasure at SF erecting a virtual border fence between the two cities.
San Francisco City Hall started issuing municipal photo identification cards to city residents on Jan. 15, regardless of their immigration status.Of course, if you're you're an illegal alien who lived in Guatamala until yesterday you can get one, just as long as you prove residency in Frisco.
"The SF ID card program is great," said Dr. Carlota Del Portillo, dean of the Mission campus. "It will be available for San Francisco residents only. If you live in Daly City, for example, you will not be able to have one."
And, if you're an illegal alien who wants to find work, San Francisco has some good news for you. From their "SF City ID Card - Business Participation" page (
The card can help businesses streamline their hiring process because employers can use the SF City ID Card as a List B document for verifying identity for a new employee's Employment Eligibility Verification form (also known as an I-9 form).Taking a look at an I-9 form (PDF link), a "a List B document" is one that proves identity, not employment authorization. However, combined with a fake Social Security card, it can be used to obtain employment.
In other words, the city of San Francisco is facilitating companies hiring illegal aliens.
Note also the list of benefits at, including this:
Serve as a form of identification to open a checking account at participating banksAside from misguided liberalism, that appears to be one of the main motivations behind the card; see San Francisco approves ID card; corruption in plain sight; Tom Ammiano?
UPDATE: For those not familiar with the area, Daly City is directly south of Frisco; perhaps residents of that city could protest SF's xenophobia and express their displeasure at SF erecting a virtual border fence between the two cities.
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 02/23/2009 - 20:17
HS 17466 2009-02-23T22:17:49-06:00
the fact is the pigs need millions of our enemies working to vote and to remove Americans from the USA Its all just part of the plan listen to savage Nation 760 am san diego. San Francison is a real enemy nation inside a nation. and by the way the Red Chinese pigs run the place under cover of the white pigs taking orders.
eh (not verified)
Tue, 02/24/2009 - 10:10
HS 17467 2009-02-24T12:10:06-06:00
_"It will be available for San Francisco residents only. If you live in Daly City, for example, you will not be able to have one."_ Is that what's "great" about it? Oh the cache. These people are such childish fucking idiots.
Carlos (not verified)
Thu, 02/26/2009 - 21:09
HS 17468 2009-02-26T23:09:09-06:00
Last year when I was still driving a big rig a had several runs from Washington (state) to the Bay area, loaded with toilet paper, and I was only one of several drivers from my company doing so, and we were only one of several companies doing so. Seemed strange that so much toilet paper would be going to one particular area, at least it did until I remembered which area it was. That explained it all.