Shakesville deletes follow-up comments (Shakespeare's Sister)

[If you've heard of and have even a little trust for the site "Shakesville" (of Melissa McEwan fame), read on for why you can't trust what they tell you. Everyone else feel free to skip to the next entry.]


Earlier today, "Mustang Bobby" of Shakespeare's Sister - now known as Shakesville - discussed the Gail Kerr article in which she misled about the Obama citizenship issue ( I left a comment which is still at that page, however two follow-up comments were deleted.

Deleting follow-ups in that way is even worse than deleting all the comments from someone; it's as cowardly a technique as taking a quote out of context. It shouldn't come as much of a surprise that that technique is being practiced at Shakesville, and the fact that it is shows that nothing you read there can be trusted: they're willing to modify or delete comments that point out how they're wrong. A post there might seem to make sense, but you never know whether they've deleted a comment that pointed out how it was wrong.

Here's what Shakesville doesn't want you to see.

Here's the first comment I left:

I know HI is sick of these questions. However, it would have taken the same amount of energy for them to confirm what FactCheck says as it did for them to do what they did for me. It took several tries to get them to respond, and the idea that spokespeople will just start issuing no-comments simply because they're tired of answering questions is absurd.

Don't let that stop you: it's a local call and you're on the same timezone. Pick up the phone and see if you can get confirmation.

After that was deleted, I left a modified version:
Linkmeister: I know HI is sick of these questions. However, it would have taken the same amount of energy for them to confirm what FactCheck says as it did for them to do what they did for me. It took several tries to get them to respond, and the idea that spokespeople will just start issuing no-comments simply because they're tired of answering questions is absurd. Don't let that stop you: it's a local call and you're on the same timezone. Pick up the phone and see if you can get confirmation.

Mustang Bobby: This is clearly too much for you to understand, but:
1. Snopes is just a husband and wife team, they don't have extensive resources.
2. They aren't a credible source, as I discuss at my site.
3. The page you link to is just a synthesis of what others have written; they added no new reporting of their own. (Note: opinion is not the same as reporting).

The bottom line here is that Mustang Bobby is basing all of this on faith and not on the facts. I'm sure not many cult members really want to know that there's nothing more than a couple resistors inside the magical box they're using.

I think the solution to this problem is for everyone to bookmark my main page about this issue and then take their laptop to a Mensa meeting and ask someone there to explain it to you.

UPDATE: This post originally said that "Mustang Bobby" was the person who deleted the comments. However, he's left a comment saying that it wasn't him who deleted the comments. So, I removed "Mustang Bobby" from the title of the post and the place in the post where I said that it was something that "Mustang Bobby" didn't want you to see. Our apologies for not trying to find out who exactly deleted the comments, but such requests to other sites have generally resulted in not receiving a reply.


Anyone who trust anyone must be a fool we do live in the USA.

I didn't delete the comments you left at Shakesville. I don't have that privilege at the site; I am just a contributor, so even if I had wanted to delete them, I couldn't have done it. Your quarrel is with Melissa McEwan, the site administrator. I didn't ask her to delete the comments, nor would I. If you had left them at my site, I would have left them up there for others to read. I only delete comments that are personal attacks on other commenters or are clearly spam. Just a suggestion; the next time you accuse someone of doing something, get the facts. Peace.