MALDEF, League of Women Voters, Asian-Pacific American Legal Center ripped new ones over Proposition 77
Posted Thu, Sep 8, 2005 at 9:29 pm · short link
Well. CalInsider smacks some loony lefties upside the head:
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This position paper [PDF file] out today from three groups that claim to represent the interests of women and minorities gives their reasons for opposing Proposition 77, the redistricting reform initiative...
Some day we will outgrow the notion that we need to draw political boundaries that pack members of particular ethnic groups together under the repugnant assumption that the color of your skin or the shape of your eyes dictates how you think about public policy...
The truth is that the real opponents of 77 are the far left and the far right who want to maintain their grip on power in the California Legislature and protect the ability of incumbents to pick their voters rather than letting voters pick their politicians. Maldef, the League of Women Voters and the Asian-Pacific American Legal Center are aiding and abetting that plot by their opposition to this measure.
If 77 goes down, don't hold your breath waiting for the League's friends in the Legislature to propose the perfect reform these groups say they would support.
perroazul del norte (not verified)
Fri, 09/09/2005 - 06:03
"Some day we will outgrow the notion that we need to draw political boundaries that pack members of particular ethnic groups together under the repugnant assumption that the color of your skin or the shape of your eyes dictates how you think about public policy... "
That day will not come until the current Multicult regime is passes into history. Read the PDF:the language of the document breathes Racial Marxism. A major problem is that the dominant(neocon) wing of conservatism has largely surrendered to the multicultists on the cultural front and made overseas military adventures their sole raison d'etre.
eh (not verified)
Fri, 09/09/2005 - 04:02
"outgrow the notion"
I don't think this will ever happen -- the so-called 'melting pot' is something of a joke.
And this is one of the biggest problems with multi-ethnic, multi-cultural societies/nations. Along with the fact that regarding innate abilities, it seems increasingly clear that all people are not 'created equal', i.e. when you measure certain aspects of human performance across distinct population (e.g. ethnic) groups, you can and, as it turns out, often do find significant differences. Which some would say means, e.g., 'affirmative action' will always be necessary.