Katrina: Jesse Jackson does bad, Rudy Giuliani could do good

I've been saving off the various comments made by "liberals" concerning Katrina. While I could discuss them here now, I think it's more appropriate to wait until the situation settles down somewhat.

However, one of the low points should be pointed out now: Jesse Jackson seems to be trying to incite a riot (link). While it's good of him to take in supplies, he really should concentrate on that. The fact that he'd make statements like those at this time shows what a low opportunist he is. And, instead of making excuses for the looters, perhaps he should show his leadership by encouraging them to stop.

On the bright side, perhaps someone like Giuliani, Powell, or Franks (link) could step in and offer leadership in this situation.


I agree with you completely. If Rudy had been mayor in New Orleans, things would have went completely different.
So far all I've seen out of the Louisiana officials is finger-pointing, patting each other's backs and excuses. I grew up in both New Orleans, and Hancock County, Ms. I have loved ones in in Waveland, Bay St. Louis, and New Orleans. Here it is Sept. 7, and I am still missing a large majority of my family.
Rudy handled the 9/11 crisis superbly. His experience would be a great help!

those people should do something, but they aren't doing anything right now, so why are you praising them?