Liza Mundy /WaPo lies about Obama certificate (+SPLC joins in)

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Liza Mundy of the Washington Post offers "Burden of Proof on Obama's Origins" (link), a three-screen, mostly smear piece on Orly Taitz of the "Birthers" movement. Leaving aside Taitz' various claims, Mundy has a problem with the truth. (Note that she's also the author of a presumably sympathetic biography of Michelle Obama; she whines about the lack of cooperation from the Obama camp at

Mundy quotes Taitz as saying of Obama's records "Nobody has seen proper documents. Period." and follows that with this:

Another breathtaking statement, or rather misstatement. After initially trying to ignore the controversy, Obama's staff has indeed provided an official record showing that the president was born in Hawaii. The document is a computer-generated official certification of live birth attesting to the fact that Barack Hussein Obama II was born on Aug. 4, 1961, in Honolulu. The director of Hawaii's Department of Health also has stated, rather wearily, that she has viewed the underlying vital records and that they are valid.

All Obama has provided is a picture of what looks to be an official document; he hasn't provided the document itself as Lisa Munday states. The picture has never been authenticated by any government agency, and thus there's no proof that anything on it is accurate. While Chiyome Fukino of the Hawaii Department of Health did say in 2008 "the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures" and then in July she said that she's "seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen", she didn't say anything about the picture on Obama's site, as Mundy is implying.

Mundy also (of course) plays the race card and the extremist card:

At a minimum, organizations who monitor extremist groups say that the fantasy of Obama's ineligibility is now a central tenet. "The birther conspiracy itself is now totally widespread among military and paramilitary [militia] groups and new, what we would call quote-unquote 'patriot' groups, which are groups that are virulently anti-government," says Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Beirich says that a popular conspiracy theory among such groups is that the government is going to round up citizens and put them in camps operated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.


Stupid conservatives an their conspiracy theories... Give it a rest you stupid idiots...

Re: “All Obama has provided is a picture of what looks to be an official document; he hasn't provided the document itself as Lisa Munday states. “ Yes he did provide the document. He did both. He showed the image of the document on his Web site, which is a picture (what else could it be?), and he showed the physical document to both FactCheck and Polifact. Re: “The picture has never been authenticated by any government agency, and thus there's no proof that anything on it is accurate. “ Well, heck, no previous president ever showed his birth certificate to anyone, so none of them were authenticated by any government agency. However, in this case, the Hawaii authorities confirmed the FACTS on the document, which are that Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. With the facts being accurate, there isn’t much point in forging a birth certificate, and Obama didn’t. If the document were forged, the FBI and the Hawaii authorities (under a Republican governor) and the McCain campaign would have done something long ago. As this writer from Hawaii says, the document that Obama posted is just like what everyone in Hawaii gets: Quotes: Thursday, November 06, 2008 Barack Obama: Born in Hawai`i By Andrew Walden A fairly impressive internet industry has sprung up claiming that Obama was born in either Kenya or Indonesia. This is nonsense which distracts from the broadly unexplored story of Obama’s upbringing. This kind of nonsense has emerged because the McCain campaign chose not to raise the many questions about Barack Obama’s numerous hard-left alliances. Barack Obama was born in Hawai`i, August 4, 1961 at Kapiolani Medical Center in Honolulu. Obama’s birth certificate posted online is exactly the same birth certificate everybody in Hawai`i gets from the State Department of Health. It is not forged. There is nothing unusual about the design or the texture. In addition to the birth certificate, the August 13, 1961 Honolulu Advertiser also carries an announcement of Obama’s birth. The Honolulu Star-Bulletin also carries the same announcement. Both papers require submission of a copy of the birth certificate to print a birth announcement. (Correction: Both papers printed an identical list of birth announcements supplied to them by the Hawaii State Department of Health.) End quotes Re: “While Chiyome Fukino of the Hawaii Department of Health did say in 2008 "the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures" and then in July she said that she's "seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen", she didn't say anything about the picture on Obama's site, as Mundy is implying.” The important point is that these two statements are confirmation of the facts on Obama’s birth document. Yes, that is w

Re: “While Chiyome Fukino of the Hawaii Department of Health did say in 2008 "the Hawai'i State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures" and then in July she said that she's "seen the original vital records maintained on file by the Hawai'i State Department of Health verifying Barrack Hussein Obama was born in Hawaii and is a natural-born American citizen", she didn't say anything about the picture on Obama's site, as Mundy is implying.” The important point is that these two statements are confirmation of the facts on Obama’s birth document. Yes, that is what they mean (one reason being that in 1961 a foreign birth certificate could not be filed, so the original in the file must be from Hawaii): ( This is what the Wall Street Journal concluded: “Obama has already provided a legal birth certificate demonstrating that he was born in Hawaii. No one has produced any serious evidence to the contrary. Absent such evidence, it is unreasonable to deny that Obama has met the burden of proof. We know that he was born in Honolulu as surely as we know that Bill Clinton was born in Hope, Ark., or George W. Bush in New Haven, Conn. The release of the obsolete birth certificate would not “resolve the issue” to those for whom it is not already resolved. They claim without basis that today’s birth certificate is a fake; there is nothing to stop them from claiming without basis that yesterday’s is as well.”

Hey sm, The extent of your comment(s) shows how difficult mr o has made this issue. It shouldn't have to take you a dozen paragraphs to state your point. It's because he doesn't have one, and that's why his lawyers have spent over 1,000,000 dollars on fighting any and all attempts to actually release the BC for all to see. And while he is at it, he should release the mountain of other records that he and his wife continue to sit on. Some transparency! Regardless of the BC, there is NO WAY mr o will see a second term. NOT A FUCKING CHANCE. And not because he is half white but because of his policies and corruption.

The only way out is for people not monkeys to fight and be willing to %$%$$ FOR FREEDOM.

Re: "why his lawyers have spent over 1,000,000 dollars on fighting any and all attempts to actually release the BC for all to see." Another myth. There hasn't been a case that just asked for his birth certificate, but that is what you are trying to show. The cases are not for his birth certificate. Obama has posted his birth certificate and the facts on it have been confirmed by the officials in Hawaii. The cases are to stop Obama from being president. Before the election, when by far most of the cases were filed, all the cases were to stop the election, not to make Obama show his birth certificate. After the election, most of the cases were to stop the certification of the election or to stop the inauguration, not to make Obama show his birth certificate. The few remaining cases ask for such things as Obama's kindergarten records and academic records and college housing records and his birth certificate. If Obama fights giving his kindergarden records, his opponents say that he is fighting giving his birth certificate. The proof that he was born in Hawaii is overwhelming. The official birth certificate, the confirmation, the notices in the newspaper. There is nothing on the other side. Obama's Kenyan grandmother did NOT say that he was born in Kenya, she said he was born in Hawaii, and you can hear it clearly on the tape.

_The cases are to stop Obama from being president._ Presumably that would follow, i.e. be a natural consequence of, showing he does not meet the constitutional requirements for office. I mean, they are not really separable, are they? Or would Obama try to remain in office were it to be shown he was not born in Hawaii? Do you have a problem with that? If so, why?

_The release of the obsolete birth certificate would not “resolve the issue” to those for whom it is not already resolved._ As far as I know, a birth certificate never becomes "obsolete".

Soon the big Reds in washington must make a move on the freedom loving people and when that happens soon; most will say nothing or do nothing but watch. It is normal in any third world country and the USA Maybe around for 50 years more but it died long ago in fact the day it became a puppet for the third world leaders. See LBJ 1964 AND THE MEXICAN Drug dealer president who was working for the KGB

Read KGB The secret work of the Soviet secret Agents..Gustavo Diaz Ordar President of mexico and KGB Agent and the ideals of open brobers meeting with LBJ 1964.

He has never produced a birth certificate. If he would just prove he is a natural born citizen all of this would go away. But you leftists simply refuse to acknowledge the fact he hasn't produced shit, and you are willing to accept a corrupt government. Shame on you fucking tyrants. When I am president, you will be the first to be rounded up and placed in internment camps for your treason, you anti-American, lying, pussified pieces of shit. Shut up Fred. Go back on your meds.

Mile if you don't like the facts you're welcome to rant on another blog, or better yet, start your own, you socialist piece of shit.

One more thing mike: the fact a document does not exist is a fact, not a theory. I saw your other lefty comments about nationlized health care on another post. If you want your fellow man to have socialized medicinelike every other pinko commie country, then you are free to write a check. But do not tell the rest of us to work to pay the government. Making me work to pay someone else's medical bills is slavery, you pompous ass holier-than-thou despot.

Speaking of making americans work for someone else.....,....,just heard that 82% of school kids in Anaheim and 87% of those in Santa Ana are in the free lunch program! WTF? Hmm I wonder how many are anchor babies for whom we are also paying for their rent, health care, education and paying for it in higher crime and loss of culture. Those open border cock suckers are the true enemy of America and should be treated as such. It's quite obvious they expect us to pay for our own displacement and it's coming to a head with the enabler in chief in office.

100 million new monkeys coming to have fun in the land of free things for now. but in 5 years this land will look like mexico and you will become the enemies of the third world people.