DHS released rightwing extremists report despite objections by their civil rights officials (+Napolitano, Hoekstra, Harman, Boehner)
From this:
Civil liberties officials at the Homeland Security Department did not agree with some of the language in a controversial report on right-wing extremists, but the agency issued the report anyway.
...Homeland Security spokeswoman Amy Kudwa said the report was issued before officials resolved problems raised by the agency's civil rights division. Kudwa would not specify what language raised the concerns.
On Fox News, DHS secretary Janet Napolitano defended the report and only back-peddled slightly, saying:
"We do not mean to suggest that veterans as a whole are at risk of becoming violent extremists... I apologize for that offense. It was certainly not intended...
...If there's one part of that report I would rewrite, in the word-smithing, Washington-ese that goes on after the fact, it would be [the footnote defining rightwing extremism; see the second link above.]"
The Veterans of Foreign Wars defended the report, but those speaking out against it include the American Legion, Vets for Freedom, and Rep. Pete Hoekstra, who's asked the director of national intelligence's ombudsman to investigate the Homeland Security report for "unsubstantiated conclusions and political bias."
([[Rep. Jane Harman]]) said the report could have been written more artfully, but added that "it was a well-intended effort to describe to law enforcement what things to look for... If the result is to dumb down intelligence products that could prevent the next attack to the homeland, we will all lose."
Also, John Boehner wants the DHS to apologize to veterans (link).
Leave it to Beaner (not verified)
Fri, 04/17/2009 - 16:05
HS 17961 2009-04-17T18:05:17-05:00
Imagine that..... The libs coming to the defense of conservatives. This is one mixed up Country right now
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Fri, 04/17/2009 - 18:54
HS 17962 dawes57@cox.net 2009-04-17T20:54:35-05:00
Not mixed up country its part of the plan of the system boys inside the one world move to take down the country and in order to do that you must take down the person one by one. read this report at Savage nation its been out for weeks now, savage wants the list and is going after the government to get that list of names. Listen to Savage Nation
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Fri, 04/17/2009 - 21:51
HS 17963 2009-04-17T23:51:35-05:00
LoneWacko--you do realize that for every comment left by fred, you lose five readers, right?
Fred Dawes (not verified)
Mon, 04/20/2009 - 03:28
HS 17964 dawes57@cox.net 2009-04-20T05:28:06-05:00
petty you are part of the left go help your boy obama.
petty bourgeois (not verified)
Mon, 04/20/2009 - 15:03
HS 17965 2009-04-20T17:03:20-05:00
Thank you for your insightful analysis of which end of the political spectrum I fall under. Now go fuck yourself, you old racist crank.